Development of potential learners is a process of deliberate and systematic habit / conditioning learners in order to have the skills and life skills. Competency and skill in question is broad, good personal skills (personal skills) which includes; ability to recognize oneself (self awareness) and rational thinking skills (thinking skills), social skills (social skills), academic skills (academic skills), and vocational skills (vocational skills). Educational activities at this stage of training is more directed at the concept development of motor skills learners. Associated with this training process, needs to be done in habituation and conditioning children to think critically, strategically and tactically in the learning process. Participants are trained to understand, formulate, select the solutions and understand the process of solving the "problem". Departure from these conditions, then the instant culture of learning that had been cultivated to be abandoned, to the process of empowerment of all elements of the learning system preformance.
In line with the achievement of educational objectives, should be pursued an education system that is able to shape the personality and skills of students who excel, the faithful and devoted to God Almighty, man is a creative, competent, skilled, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, responsible and having high social solidarity. To achieve a superior human being needs to be given a solid education landsan. Our nation has actually had a very fundamental pillars of education, delivered by Ki Hajar Dewantoro, "Sun Tulodho Ngarso Ing, Ing Madyo Mbangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani", (In front of us give an example, in the middle to build strength and cooperation, in the back giving the power- enthusiasm and encouragement.) but its implementation in our education remains low. This concept is I discuss in this analysis, but at this level presented the results of UNESCO's annual conference in Melbourne Australia in 1998. The conference launched the four pillars of education which is used as the foundation of education in the information age and global networks to reach out and grab it in the international market. The four pillars are:
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