Dec 31, 2011

Learning to Do - The process of learning with an emphasis so that learners appreciate the process of learning by doing something meaningful''''Active Learning. Learners have the opportunity to learn and practice to be able to master and have the basic competency standards required in him. The learning process is carried out to explore and discover information (information searching and exploring), process and information and make decisions (information processing and decision making skills), as well as creative problem solving (creative problem solving skills). According to Dewey that learning can be done by:

1). Learners learn by thinking creatively,
2). Process skills,
3). Problem solving approach,
4). Inquiry approach,
5). School programs should be integrated with community life, and
6). Guidance as part of teaching.

Some forms of Active Learning: Active learning activities carried out by independent activity, the students read their own material that will be discussed in class. Discussion (discussion) in the class with the assignment of making the article begins, do possing problems, and problem solving, active learning activities in this guide are given early (advance organizer) who referred to the discussion of instructional material, before the independent study carried out, thus enabling active learners both intellectually, motor and emotional. In granting the task, learners are required to formulate a new concept in the synthesis of the material that has been studied.


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