Jun 3, 2011


Some experts PTK, respectively - each of which provides for the definition put forward by Stephen Kemmis, as quoted by D.Hopkins, in his book entitled A Teacher's Guide the Classroom Action Research, Bristol, PA, Open University Press, 1993, page 44. says that action research is:

.... A form of self-reflective inquiri undertaken by participants in a social(Including educational) situation in order improv the rationality and justice of(A) Their own social or educational practices. (B) Their understanding of thesepractices, and © the situations in the which practices are carried out.
Understanding the above, can be observed that the TOD is a form of clothes that are reflective of the perpetrators actions, which aimed to deepen understanding of dilakuakan actions during the learning process, and to fix weaknesses - weaknesses that still occur in the process pembelajran and to realize the goals - goalsin the process of learning. If the process pembelajran diakuakan inquiri and continuous improvement - continuous, fully believed that the professional competence of teachers will continue to increase in line with expectations by manyMc Ciff (1992) in his book entitled Action Research: Principles and Practice looked PTK as a form of reflection that teachers do the research results can be used as a tool for school development, development of teaching skills and so forth.Studies on the social situation with a view to improving the quality of action in it. The whole process --- the study, diagnosis of planning implementation, monitoring, and influence --- to create the necessary relationship between self-evaluation and professional perkembvangan (Elliot, 1982: 1)

Reflections on action research is a small-scale intervention in the real world of action and careful examination of the impact of these interventions(Cohen and Manion, 1980: 174).

Action research is a form of collective self-made by the participants - the participants in social situations to improve reasoning and justice educational practices and their social practices, as well as their understanding of the practice - practice it and to the situation where do the practice - the practice (Kemmis and Tagart, 1988: 5-6)

Based on the description above, we can interpret a wider understanding of TOD, TOD can briefly be defined as a form of research that is reflective to perform certain actions in order to improve or enhance the practice - practice in the classroom pembelajran, ssehingga these conditions, significantly hampering the achievement of pembelajran destination. Therefore, teachers can conduct action research class for students' interest towards learning can be enhanced.


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