Independent learning should be encouraged through the growth of self-motivation. Many learning approaches that can be applied in practice independence of learners, for example; sinektik approach, problems solving, process skills, discovery, inquiry, cooperative, and so on learning approach that prioritizes engagement of learners effectively. Closing learning approach is basically a social process, learners are assisted in performing the role as an observer associated with the problems faced.
Although the teacher can give the situation a problem, but in practice, learners seek, inquire, investigate and try to find yourself the things learned. Learners begin to think in terms of ability and experience of each logically. Strategy of inquiry learning is one alternative approach to learning that can be used in the learning process. Learning strategies emphasize process skills activities are centered on developing creativity of students learning. The application of process skills learning strategies can help teachers to deliver learning materials to create learning conditions that varied in the motivation of learners to learn more deeply, encouraging curiosity and motivate further to think creatively.
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