- Each man began with cry to express its communications with its response to various stimuli. According to Nelson in (Elizabeth Harlock, 1995) classifies the child as a reference language and expressive.
Language is all forms of communication in which a person's thoughts and feelings symbolized in order to convey meaning to others. Language development for children is divided into three major phases, namely:
a. Phase one word or Holofrase.
In this phase the child uses one word to express complex thoughts, either in the form want, for example a feeling of sitting, for children can mean "I want to sit down". In general, the first word spoken by children is a noun, after some time then followed by a verb.
b. Phase is more than one word.
In this phase the child is able to make simple sentences consisting of two words. Sentences are sometimes composed of the principal sentence and the predicate, sometimes with the principal object of the sentence grammatically incorrect. In this period the language used by children no longer egocentric, from and for himself.
c. Phase differentiation.
In this phase the child speaks not only adds a wonderful vocabulary but the child can begin to use pronouns. Children begin to criticize, question, answer, command, telling and other forms of sentences that are common to one conversation "style" adult.
Language is all forms of communication in which a person's thoughts and feelings symbolized in order to convey meaning to others. Language development for children is divided into three major phases, namely:
a. Phase one word or Holofrase.
In this phase the child uses one word to express complex thoughts, either in the form want, for example a feeling of sitting, for children can mean "I want to sit down". In general, the first word spoken by children is a noun, after some time then followed by a verb.
b. Phase is more than one word.
In this phase the child is able to make simple sentences consisting of two words. Sentences are sometimes composed of the principal sentence and the predicate, sometimes with the principal object of the sentence grammatically incorrect. In this period the language used by children no longer egocentric, from and for himself.
c. Phase differentiation.
In this phase the child speaks not only adds a wonderful vocabulary but the child can begin to use pronouns. Children begin to criticize, question, answer, command, telling and other forms of sentences that are common to one conversation "style" adult.
Language Development of Primary School Age Children
1. Body Language
Body language is the way a person communicates by using the parts of the body, through gestures, facial expressions, posture, steps and style are generally called body language. Body language often without realizing dilakkan and child communication is an expression of the most obvious because it is an expression of their feelings and desires of others, for example to parents (father and mother) brothers, others who can meet or understand the minds of children.
2. Speak
Talk is one of the most effective means of communication, for children to talk not only an achievement but also serves to achieve the goal, for example (a) as satisfying the needs, (b) as a tool to attract the attention of others, (c) as a tool for ssial relationship, (d) as a tool to evaluate yourself, (e) to be able to influence the thoughts and feelings of others, (f) to influence the behavior of others
Potential child talk is supported by several things:
a. Maturity means of speech.
The ability to speak also depends on the maturity of the tools to talk. For example, throat, palate, oral cavity can affect the width of maturity talk.
b. Readiness to talk.
Children's mental readiness is very dependent on the growth and maturation of the brain. At this time the child really is ready to learn to speak the truth. If there is no interference child can speak, although not immediately obvious meaning. Help to improve power speaking children through: (a) the parents can encourage children to speak better by improving every utterance is wrong, (b) radio and television provide a good example for the child's speech, (c) after the child's learning read, he adds vocabulary and familiar with the correct form of the sentence, (d) after the child's school expansion, the words slip and meanings that one can be corrected by the teacher.
c. The existence of a model to emulate
Children may require a specific model in order to pronounce the word correctly to be combined with other words that it becomes a meaningful sentence, such as parents, siblings, who often listened to the radio or the TV. Children will have trouble if it does not ever get a model, so the potential of children can not develop properly.
d. Opportunity to practice.
When children get less exercise speaking skills will arise often frustrated and even angry that the cause is not understood by parents or the environment.
e. The motivation for study and practice.
Motivate and train the child to speak is very important for children because to satisfy his need to harness the potential of children. Parents should always try to motivate the child to talk uninterrupted.
f. Guidance.
Guidance is very important for children to develop their potential. Parents who spoke slowly easily followed by children and parents in a fix when speaking children make mistakes. Performed on a continuous guidance mines and consistent so that children do not experience difficulties when speaking.
1. Body Language
Body language is the way a person communicates by using the parts of the body, through gestures, facial expressions, posture, steps and style are generally called body language. Body language often without realizing dilakkan and child communication is an expression of the most obvious because it is an expression of their feelings and desires of others, for example to parents (father and mother) brothers, others who can meet or understand the minds of children.
2. Speak
Talk is one of the most effective means of communication, for children to talk not only an achievement but also serves to achieve the goal, for example (a) as satisfying the needs, (b) as a tool to attract the attention of others, (c) as a tool for ssial relationship, (d) as a tool to evaluate yourself, (e) to be able to influence the thoughts and feelings of others, (f) to influence the behavior of others
Potential child talk is supported by several things:
a. Maturity means of speech.
The ability to speak also depends on the maturity of the tools to talk. For example, throat, palate, oral cavity can affect the width of maturity talk.
b. Readiness to talk.
Children's mental readiness is very dependent on the growth and maturation of the brain. At this time the child really is ready to learn to speak the truth. If there is no interference child can speak, although not immediately obvious meaning. Help to improve power speaking children through: (a) the parents can encourage children to speak better by improving every utterance is wrong, (b) radio and television provide a good example for the child's speech, (c) after the child's learning read, he adds vocabulary and familiar with the correct form of the sentence, (d) after the child's school expansion, the words slip and meanings that one can be corrected by the teacher.
c. The existence of a model to emulate
Children may require a specific model in order to pronounce the word correctly to be combined with other words that it becomes a meaningful sentence, such as parents, siblings, who often listened to the radio or the TV. Children will have trouble if it does not ever get a model, so the potential of children can not develop properly.
d. Opportunity to practice.
When children get less exercise speaking skills will arise often frustrated and even angry that the cause is not understood by parents or the environment.
e. The motivation for study and practice.
Motivate and train the child to speak is very important for children because to satisfy his need to harness the potential of children. Parents should always try to motivate the child to talk uninterrupted.
f. Guidance.
Guidance is very important for children to develop their potential. Parents who spoke slowly easily followed by children and parents in a fix when speaking children make mistakes. Performed on a continuous guidance mines and consistent so that children do not experience difficulties when speaking.
Disorders in Speech Development
There are several problems that must be addressed by the child in order to learn to speak. The development of speech is a process that is very difficult and complicated. There are several disorders that are often experienced by children, namely:
a. Whiny child: children often with excessive crying can cause physical and psychological disturbances in children. In physical terms, the disorder may include lack of energy so that it can automatically cause the child's condition does not fit.
While the psychic disorder that arises is feeling rejected or unloved by her parents, or other family members. The role of parents is very important to teach effective communication for children.
b. Child is difficult to understand the content of the speech of others: Often a child can not understand the conversation of parents, this is due to a lack of vocabulary in children, parents speak very quickly by using words that have not been known by the child. For families who use the two languages (bilingual) children will be more difficult to understand speech mengalmi parents or relatives who live in one house. Parents should look for factors that cause children difficulty in understanding speech and fix it
sources Bibliography
There are several problems that must be addressed by the child in order to learn to speak. The development of speech is a process that is very difficult and complicated. There are several disorders that are often experienced by children, namely:
a. Whiny child: children often with excessive crying can cause physical and psychological disturbances in children. In physical terms, the disorder may include lack of energy so that it can automatically cause the child's condition does not fit.
While the psychic disorder that arises is feeling rejected or unloved by her parents, or other family members. The role of parents is very important to teach effective communication for children.
b. Child is difficult to understand the content of the speech of others: Often a child can not understand the conversation of parents, this is due to a lack of vocabulary in children, parents speak very quickly by using words that have not been known by the child. For families who use the two languages (bilingual) children will be more difficult to understand speech mengalmi parents or relatives who live in one house. Parents should look for factors that cause children difficulty in understanding speech and fix it
sources Bibliography
Aliah B Purwakania Hasan, 2006, Psikologi Perkembangan Islami, Jakarta, Raja Grafindo Persada.
Elizabeth B. Hurlock, 1993, Psikologi Perkembangan, jakarta, Erlangga.
Mulyani Sumantri, Nana Syaodih, 2006, Perkembangan Peserta Didik, Jakarta, Universitas Terbuka.
Elizabeth B. Hurlock, 1993, Psikologi Perkembangan, jakarta, Erlangga.
Mulyani Sumantri, Nana Syaodih, 2006, Perkembangan Peserta Didik, Jakarta, Universitas Terbuka.
Source: Perkembangan Peserta Didik, lecturer: Sri Hartini.
Let's admit it, it's not easy to teach our kids with their speech, activities and proper body care especially if we don't have enough knowledge to do it. Just tech them with the basic hygiene