Aug 15, 2011

Child Overcome Bedwetting Habit

Bedwetting is not only due to psychological factors. It could be because Anti Diuretc hormone deficiency Hormone (ADH), or because of factors descent.
In general, the cause of children like bedwetting can be due to two things; medically and psychologically. Medically, the child may like to bedwetting be caused by several things. Among other things, because children lack Anti Diuretc hormone hormone (ADH), which could cause the child not could control the production of urine. 

According to Doctor Sudung O. Pardede, a specialist in kidney disease and children with gallbladder disease, hormone deficiency is not due to ADH heredity, but for some diseases such as tumors or brain infection. If this is the case, according to Sudung, the possibility pituitary gland tissue that produces the hormone ADH will disturbed. "In the language of medicine is called diabetes insipidus," he said. 

However, according to a doctor and a professor of the Faculty of the University of Indonesia this, the percentage of children who lack the hormone ADH is relatively small. Children who suffer from hormonal disorders can be overcome ADH by providing artificial hormone called desmopressin. Hormone These artificial hormones ADH will help improve the child's body so that your child can balance the production of urine and expenditure during sleep. 

So far, the administration of desmopressin, according Sudung, did not result in negative impact on children. Except, in some children who are sensitive result in momentary dizziness. "The use of desmopressin is also reduce the discharge of the body, and the potential to make children retain fluid if you drink too much after taking the medicine. "So, very important for children who get therapy to desmopressin drinking less before bedtime. 

Normally a child wet the bed until they hit the age of 5-6 years. At this age the habit of bedwetting at night is considered normal because children are not used to control the urine when they fell asleep. But it should also be investigated in advance what type bedwetting

According Sudung, there are two types of bedwetting. The first is the normal wet called enuresis. Bedwetting usually stops when the child is 7 years old. Second, urine is called incontinence. That is a habit which is difficult to prevent wetting by the patient, not just when he was asleep only. Incontinensia this occurs because of abnormalities of the bladder. Usually the discharge of urine is not always smooth, but only just just dripping.
According Zakiudin Munasir, SpA (K), a pediatrician who also lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, medically cause most children like to wetting due to tract infection urine. "Or it could be because the child suffered from diabetes," said Doctor Zaki. 

Doctor Djoko Raharjo, a urologist from RSCM FKUI agree with Doctor Zaki. According to him, the cause often beser can vary. The most visible precisely in patients with diabetes. Because, in between the symptoms of diabetes is a lot to drink, easy to hunger, and frequent urination. "So, people who often must first beser suspected whether he suffered from diabetes or not, "said Doctor Djoko. 

According to Dr. Zaki, in addition to the disease, the child may like to bedwetting so it caused no abnormalities in the bone marrow. Abnormality It could be because there is a tumor or other abnormal disease. "If bone marrow problems, his nerves could not with good bladder control, "added Dr. Zaki again.
In addition to medical, children like bedwetting can be caused by factors psychological. Children who are stressed, depressed, scared or tense, it could disease bedwetting. Therefore, according to Seto Mulyadi, who usually called by Kak Seto, like bedwetting child should not scolded. "It may be frightened and increasingly frequent wetting, "he said. 

Zaki believes the same doctor. According to him, psychologically, children are often wet, it could be because less attention. He gave examples of the youngest child. "He was wet to get attention, "said Dr. Zaki.
Equally important, bedwetting can also be caused disease due to genetic or hereditary factors. If among parents Nobody likes wet, then there is the possibility his son likes to bedwetting. A data mention bedwetting occurs in young boys (60%) and girls 40%. If one parent time Like little wet, then 44% of bedwetting children have risk. When both parents as a child like bedwetting, then 77% of children memupunyai risk of bedwetting.
Along the development of technology, many methods are used to Like a child overcome bedwetting. One of them using alarms. Use of this alarm is useful to remember the little train to get up when he wanted to urinate. 

 This tool works with detector which serves to detect whether there is liquid urine out. If there is then this alarm will sound and will wake children. Use alarms do not usually last long. If your child already used up when he wants to pee then the alarm is succeed as well as inculcate the habit of detector reminder in children.

"However, the use of alarms will not necessarily make your child wake up when he wants to pee, "said Sudung." Perhaps in the first week usage, the child was still asleep despite having an alarm installed. The parents who will help them to get up. But usually children will begin to get used after 2-3 weeks. "
In addition to alarms, to deal with children like the regular old bedwetting using pampers. The extent to which the implications for the little guy? "Pampers not overcome bedwetting. The impact depends on the child suffers diseases. If not, okay, "said Dr. Zaki. Kak Seto also agrees with that opinion. "If to be an emergency. 

For example in transit, in hospital or elsewhere. If the home should not be that children do not depend on the diapers. This does not teach children to well-trained and disciplined. It could mean teach children to urinate because of uncontrolled indiscriminate, "added Kak Seto warned. 

To cope with children who like bedwetting, Kak Seto gives advice, "Before bed, the child should be told to urinate and do not drinking too much. Or drink a lot before going to bed. Then, children get used regularly woken at midnight. This will if you want to train your child will urinate into the toilet. "This it certainly will not disturb the parents. In fact, up opportunity middle of the night can be used to bermunajat to God. 

What is clear, like bedwetting habits in children can not be tolerated. If bedwetting habit continued until the age of five years, the child should be taken to a doctor or child psychologist. However also, if your child used to pee anywhere, will disturbing the family hygiene. They are among the unclean urine which can lead to invalidity of prayer. Moreover, if bedwetting habits is left, will carry over until the child teenagers, even adults. This will affect the psyche of the child.


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