Apr 18, 2020

5 Quick Ways to Deal With Corona COVID-19 Virus Outbreak, Proven Effective!

Not long ago there was a viral video made by the artist Instagram account Edward Suhadi who adapted the Washington Post's explanation of the corona virus (COVID-19). Through the video, he explained that we must "fatten the curve" or chart the severity of the corona virus to stop the outbreak.
What does it mean? And how's that? Take a look at the chart above! The part above the dotted line is the number of people who are at risk of dying from the corona virus. While the section below shows people who are infected.

When the graph approaches the horizontal line, it means that more people are infected. But the lower the death rate because more people are recovering. This means, the plague will end soon.

But to achieve this, cooperation from all elements of society is needed. Including the government, medical personnel, every individual, and the most important is you. Well, here are a number of steps taken by various countries to overcome the corona virus outbreak, which has proven successful, but it requires our joint participation. Come on, listen!

1. Social distancing
Lately we often hear this term, but what does it really mean? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), social distancing is the prevention of close contact between healthy and sick people to avoid disease transmission. Experts say that this is the most effective way to reduce the graph that was mentioned above.

According to the CDC, there are many ways of social distancing that we can apply. The following are:
Avoid meetings that involve large numbers of people;
Maintain a minimum distance of two meters from others as much as possible;
Do not cuddle, shake hands, chips, and other physical contact;
Avoid people who show symptoms of pain.

2. Work from home
Work from home or work from home is one of the ways of social distancing that has now been widely applied to workers in Greater Jakarta. It's not all, but there are already enough offices that implement the CDC's recommendation policy.

Not only for workers, work from home also applies to school students and students. Working and learning from home is a step that should be quite effective in reducing the risk of corona virus transmission. We will not meet many people every day, no need to ride public transportation, eating patterns and personal hygiene are more awake.

3. It is better not to go outside the city and abroad
Have you heard the government's appeal a few days ago? For the time being, we should not go out of town and abroad. Especially for business trips. Sure, airplane tickets and other accommodations are cheap and it seems a shame if not utilized.

But try, deh, think of the consequences. For those of you who are young, you may not be too worried about contracting it. But please note that you can become a carrier virus without showing any symptoms. Then you can pass it to other people who are more vulnerable. Don't want that to happen, right?

4. Considerations for Lockdown in heavily infected areas
Lately, many people are worried about lockdown, which is an emergency protocol that prevents people from leaving and entering an area. This policy took place in Wuhan (China), Daegu (South Korea), and most recently a number of cities in Italy.

When lockdown occurs, schools are usually closed, workers are required to work from home, all events are canceled, and in essence everyone is not advised to leave the house. Although this method often stresses the population, its effect in slowing the rate of the virus is quite significant.

According to a recent study published by medRxiv, the lockdown effort of Wuhan City, China succeeded in reducing 202 thousand cases of corona virus. This effort also succeeded in reducing air pollution in the country so drastically that the symptoms in patients also subsided.

5. What do people have to keep doing outside?
Doing the methods above is certainly not an easy problem. There are certain jobs that force us to move outside and the crowd. For example medical personnel, public service employees, retail employees, and those who are paid daily.

If you belong to this group, there is no need to force yourself. Just take care of yourself, your health and your cleanliness. The virus will not infect if you have a strong immune system.


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