Sep 13, 2012

Learning Mind Mapping Model - Mind Maps concept learning is a method invented by Tony Buzan. Femi Olivia (2008:11) He is the inventor of mind maps, brain chairman, founder of the Club of Experts (Brain Trust) and the club's Use Your Head (Use Your Head) and lovers of Mental Literacy.

This concept is based on the workings of our brains store information. The results show that our brain does not store information in the boxes are lined up neatly nerve cells but the cells were collected on a berbercabang nerve-branch which, when seen at a glance it will look like tree branches.

From these facts, we conclude if we also store information such as how the brain works, the better the information stored in the brain and the end result of course we will learn the process easier.
Mind mapping method is a method of learning by developing the thinking in all directions, capturing the thoughts of other points.

Femi Olivia (2008:11) explains that Mind Mapping can help children love learning. Because the notes are now more attractive and thus more easily memorized systematic and understandable.
Mind mapping to develop creative ways of thinking divergent thinking. Mind mapping is a very powerful organizational thinking. Mind mapping can be termed "Swiss Army Book Ptal".
Mind mapping is an easy way to put the information into the brain and retrieve information when needed.


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