schoolash - Cognitive Development in Elementary School Kids
Every child will have cognitive development, which helps them master certain skills. From infancy, children will learn how to master certain cognitive skills like sitting, walking, talking, and other developmental milestones. The cognitive skills your child learns are directly related to their ability to solve problems. They will be able to perform math equations, read, write, and communicate with adults. Along with cognitive development comes social development, speech and language development, and motor skills development.
Like infants, elementary-aged children encounter developmental milestones. They develop certain skills within a designated time frame as other children their age. The skills they learn are in a sequential manner, meaning they need to understand numbers before they can perform a mathematical equation. Each milestone that your child develops builds upon the previous milestone they achieved. Up until age 8, a child's brain is considered a "super computer" because it is learning new skills at a rapid pace. Once they reach the age of 8, the skills they learn start to level off and it usually is a steady increase of new skills. Developmental charts help doctors predict when children will reach certain milestones. Your child's doctor will be able to discuss the typical time frame for reading skills to develop and improve and they can provide you with tips on how you can help your child's cognitive development.
Every child is different and many encounter milestones at a different age. If your child is a little behind other children their age, spend some extra time working with them. Help them to improve their problem solving abilities by creating problems they encounter with everyday life. Don't push your child too hard, or else you will just be adding to their stress level. Each child develops at their own pace, just because it took them 3 months longer to learn how to walk than other children their ages doesn't mean they will be behind those children with their cognitive development. Your child's doctor will give you a handout with information about the different time blocks when your child should meet certain milestones. If your child can understand numbers, it won't be long before they will be able to perform mathematical equations.
Your child's cognitive development will depend on the environment they live in and their genes. Genes are passed onto your child by you and they act as a blueprint for the different characteristics they posses. Genes determine certain things with children, like if they will be right-handed or left-handed. The environment you raise your child in will also improve or harm their cognitive development. Children that live in poverty often have a harder time with their cognitive development because they are unable to reach their IQ potential due to poor schooling and home life.
Sending your child to school is not enough to help them learn the problem-solving skills they need. You do not need to go buy special toys or video-gaming systems that encourage learning. The best thing you can do for your child is to sit down and learn with them. There are simple every-day activities you can do with your child that will help their cognitive development, here are a few:
* Give your child attention. Raise them in an environment where there is love and respect for one another. Hug your child and let them know how much they mean to you. Children that are loved are less-likely to develop behavioral problems and they typically do better in school.
* Talk to your child often. Play with them, eat dinner with them, and read with them everyday. Create a routine for your child when they are infants and stick to it. Keeping a routine in place will help your child understand boundaries and rules. Children need structure in order to be healthy and feel secure.
* Reading with your children everyday will encourage your child's vocabulary skills. Have your child select books from the library and have them read to you. Encourage them to sound out words they do not understand and help them build upon their reading skills.
* Do not allow your children to play video games or watch a lot of television during the school-week. Limit their exposure to the television and turn it off at least 2 hours before bedtime. Over-exposure to television and entertainment devices is detrimental to your child's cognitive development and it can cause sleep depravation.
Elementary-aged children are curious about the world and they like to learn new things. Give them time and allow them to share the new things they are learning. You can help your child's cognitive development by answering their complex questions about the world. It is normal for older elementary-aged children to question other people's opinions, especially since they are gaining information outside the home. It is important to discuss things with your child on a regular basis. Encourage them to share their ideas and opinions, as this promotes bonding. You need to talk to them about things they may encounter at school, including smoking, drinking, and sexual activity. Keeping open communication with your child at a young age will help them come to you when they have difficult challenges later in life.
Try picking your child up from school and listening to the things they learned at school. Spend some time around the table and actively listen to them. Ask them open-ended questions to promote them to think and talk to you more. Treat your child with respect and do not interrupt them when they are talking. Help them learn how to carry on a developed conversation by asking more questions about the things they are telling you.
Provide them with activities that promote growth year-round. Even though they may not attend school during the summer, they still need to be challenging their mind. Offer activities that promote communication skills and problem-solving skills. Consider enrolling them in summer camps where they can learn new things with their friends or relatives. Always take time to sit down and work on mathematical problems together. Help your child understand how to do a problem and help them think through it so they can perform well in school.
During the summer, go to the library with your child and select some books that are slightly above their competency level. This will encourage them to work harder and it will prepare them for the upcoming school year. Children need a loving, friendly environment to succeed. Constantly encourage them to try hard and praise them for their accomplishments. Elementary-school years are vital years for self-esteem. Telling your child you love them and showing them you support them can make a huge difference in their lives.
Some children have behavioral problems due to part of their cognitive development. These children may have difficulties learning the skills that other children their age are learning. If you suspect your child is behind in their cognitive development, speak to their doctor. You may be able to enroll them in after-school programs that help them with their homework and help them catch up to the rest of the class. Some children will act out with behavioral problems like temper tantrums, anger, violence, withdrawing, and other things. Watch your child's behavior to make sure they are not having behavioral issues.
An easy way to help your child's cognitive development is to challenge them with new mathematical problems and new words. Introducing new vocabulary can help their cognitive development and expand their vocabulary. Many children will actually be able to understand more concepts than they are able to express. By taking the time to teach your child new words, you can help them avoid frustrations that come with being unable to express what they are feeling. Teaching your child new words will also help them become more sophisticated. Elementary-aged children should be able to receive directions and follow them without them being repeated. They should also be able to remember past events and tell them in a logical order. Encourage your child to tell stories and share some of your stories with them.
Attend parent-teacher conferences and talk to your child's teacher about their problem-solving and language skills. Children that have problems with language comprehension normally are at risk for academic difficulties. If your child has problems speaking, take them to a speech-language therapist. They will be able to set goals for your child and help them overcome language barriers. You must also take time to spend with your child and help them work on their speech skills.
Your child's school will recommend your child for different tests if they suspect a learning disability. Some children have hearing problems and that directly impacts their ability to learn. Many children suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition that impairs their ability to pay attention. These children also have a hard time retaining information. You should always take your child to their well-child visits each year and have their doctor test them for their cognitive development. You and your doctor can create a routine for your child that will help them develop properly and learn all the skills they need in order to continue advancing.
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This is one of the best activities to be conducted in the elementary schools. The students can assure their brain development at a much faster rate.
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