Apr 1, 2012

Prepare a national education ministries of the Anti-corruption curriculum kindergarten through college

schoolash.blog - In order to eradicate corruption campaign as well as efforts to prevent corruption as early as possible, the Ministry of National Education  will incorporate anti-corruption curriculum in schools. The plan, anti-corruption education will begin to be taught in formal schools beginning in July 2011. This is expressed by the Minister of National Education, M Nuh and Executive Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission duties, Haryono Umar at the Office of the KPK Jakarta, on September 6, 2010. Efforts to prevent corruption is not less important to the eradication of corruption to set up anti-corruption education program as part of character education.

Ministry of national education and the Corruption Eradication Commission has agreed to set up a small team to draft anti-corruption education curriculum or methodology. Curriculum and anti-corruption education models will be arranged to form a mindset that is now no longer the era of corruption. Anti-corruption education will be taught starting preschool education, to university. In the curriculum to be developed that will also be possible participation and community involvement in anti-corruption education.

Corruption Eradication Commission also fully supports the efforts of formal anti-corruption campaign in schools. Not only for educational materials, the Corruption Eradication Commission will also open up reporting centers in Ministry of Education gratification. "Through the cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Corruption Eradication Commission will also open a reporting center for accelerated reporting LHKPN (Official Wealth Report / organizers of the State)," said Commission Vice Chairman Vice Chairman Haryono Umar.


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