Finally, read a favorite, no day without reading. All books, including newspaper reading. If there is difficulty in understanding the books and newspapers they read, he always asked the father. Through this book, Kartini think women are interested in the progress of Europe (the Netherlands, who was still colonized Indonesia). Arise desire to promote Indonesian women. Women not only the kitchen but also must have knowledge. He began by collecting the girls to be taught writing and other sciences. Amid the busy life he did not stop reading and also writing letters to his friends in the Netherlands. Soon he wrote a letter to Mr.JH Abendanon. He pleaded awarded a scholarship to study in the Netherlands.
The scholarship had not gotten used Kartini because he was married by her parents with Raden Duke Joyodiningrat. After marriage she joined her husband to the Apex area. Her husband understood Kartini and supporting women to establish a school. Thanks to the persistence of Kartini successfully established the School for Women in Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon and other areas. The school name is "School Kartini". Fame does not make Kartini became arrogant, he remained polite, respectful family and anyone else, does not distinguish between poor and rich.
On 17 September 1904, Kartini died at the age of 25, after she gave birth to his first son. After Kartini died, Mr.JH Abendanon mengumpulkan and posted the letters which had been sent RA Kartini on its friends in Europe. The book was entitled "DOOR TOT DUISTERNIS Licht", which means "After Darkness Light".
Currently hopefully in Indonesia will be reborn-Kartini Kartini else will fight for the interests of the people. In the era of Kartini, late 19th to early 20th century, the women of this country has not obtained freedom in many ways. They are not allowed to obtain a higher education just as men have not even allowed to determine the mate / husband, and so forth.
Kartini who was not free to make choices even felt had no choice at all because it was born as a woman, has always been treated different with relatives or friends of man, and envy the freedom of Dutch women, eventually growing desire and determination in his heart to change the bad habits it.
Recently, determination of Kartini's birth date as a holiday rather moot. With a variety of arguments, each side gave their respective opinions. Communities that do not so agree, there is not only celebrate but celebrate Kartini Day at a time with Mother's Day on 22 December.
Their reasons are for not playing favorites with female heroes of Indonesia. But a more extreme to say, there's another heroine who is more powerful than the RA Kartini. According to them, the struggle was just in Jepara Kartini and Apex only, Kartini also never bear arms against the invaders. And various other reasons.
While those who are pro even said Kartini not only a figure that raised the degree of female emancipation of women from Indonesia alone but is a means of national figures, with new ideas and reforms that he had fought for the interests of their nation. The way he thought was in the national scope.
Although the Youth Pledge has not been triggered at that time, but her thoughts are not limited to the area or land born Java alone. Kartini had reached adulthood national think that nationalism has been like that triggered by the 1928 Youth Pledge.
Regardless of the pros and cons are, in the history of this nation we know many of the names of our heroine like Cut Nya 'Dien, Cut Mutiah, Nyi. Ageng Serang, Dewi Sartika, Nyi Ahmad Dahlan, Ny. Walandouw Maramis, Christina Martha Tiahohu, and others.
They fought in the area, at the time, and in a different way. There was a struggle in Aceh, Java, Maluku, Manado and other. There was a fight in the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial period, or after independence. There are fought with arms, there is through education, some through an organization or other means. They are all fighters of the nation, the nation heroes who deserve our respect and look up.
Raden Kartini Ajeng itself is a hero who takes its own place in our hearts with all the ideals, determination, and his actions. The ideas of magnitude have been able to mobilize and inspire the struggle of his people from the ignorance that is not realized in the past. With courage and sacrifice of a sincere, he is able to inspire his people from the shackles of discrimination.
For women alone, with his early attempts were now the women in this country has enjoyed what is called equality rights. The struggle is not over yet, in this era of globalization is still widely perceived oppression and unfair treatment against women.
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