Feb 21, 2015

Learning Model Think Pair and Share

Schoolash - LEARNING MODEL TYPE comparative TPS

Learning Model Think Pair and Share using paired discussion followed by plenary discussion. With this model the students are trained how to express opinions and students also learn to respect the opinions of others with reference to the material / learning objectives.

 According to Davidson and Worsham is a cooperative learning is systematic learning by grouping students by creating an effective learning model, integrating academic social skills charged. Meanwhile, according to Johnson, cooperative learning is a teaching and learning activities, students learn and work together to arrive at an optimal learning experience, both individual and group experience experience.
TPS (Think-Pair-Share) or (Think-Pair-Share) is a type of cooperative learning that is designed to influence the pattern of student interaction. TPS requires the student to work to help each other in small groups (2-6 members) and more detailed by kooperaif appreciation, of the individual awards (Ibrahim et al: 2000).
Types of teaching methods Think-Pair-Share developed by Frank Lyman and his colleagues from the University of Maryland who is able to change the assumption that the method of recitation and discussion should be held in a group setting as a whole class. In this model, the teacher asks students to think of a topic, paired with other students and discuss it, then share ideas with the whole class. The main stages in the learning Think-Pair-Share by Ibrahim (2000: 26-27) are as follows:
Stage 1: Thingking (thinking)
Teachers convey the essence of the material or have any questions or issues related to the lesson. Then the students were asked to think about the question or the issue independently for a while.
Stage 2: Pairing
The teacher asks the students to pair up with another student to discuss what had been thinking in the first phase. In this phase, each member of the group compared the responses or the results of their thinking by defining who is considered the most correct answers, the most convincing, or at least unique.
Stage 3: Sharing (sharing)
In the final stage, the teacher asked the pair to share with the whole class about what they are talking about. Skills share in the whole class can be done by appointing a couple who volunteered to report on the work group or pair-by-pair turns up about a quarter of couples have had the opportunity to report.
The steps in the learning Think-Pair- Share (TPS) is:
1. The teacher divides the students into groups of four and assign tasks to all groups,
2. each student to think and do the job yourself,
3. The students are paired with one of the partners in a group and discuss with their partner,
4. The second pair reunited in groups of four. Students have the opportunity to share their work to groups of four
(Lie, 2004).

Obstacles encountered during the learning process, among others coming from in terms of students, namely: students are passive, with this method they will be crowded and disrupt temannnya friends. Phase pair students are supposed to solve problems by talking with a couple of stools but still prefers to use this activity to speak beyond the subject matter, depend on the couple and less active role in finding a solution and ask the answer to that question on another pair. The number of students in the class also affect the implementation of this method of think pair share. Odd number of students who have an impact upon the formation of the group. As a result there is a group of more than two (2) students. This will slow down the process of discussion at this stage of the pair, because another couple had completed while the student does not have a spouse. Another obstacle is found that in terms of time the discrepancy between planned time implementation. This is because students who like stalling for reasons of work yet to be completed. This has an impact on cognitive learning outcomes, which students show little real ability.

       C. Advantages and Disadvantages of comparative PEMBELAJARA MODEL TYPE SMT

The advantages of comparative learning model TPS types are:

1. give students more time to think, respond, and help each other.
2. enable students to formulate and ask questions about the material being taught because it does not directly obtain a sample of the questions asked by the teacher, as well as an opportunity to think about the material being taught.
3. The students will be trained to apply the concept due to exchange opinions and ideas with his friend to get a deal in solving the problem.
4. The students are more active in learning since completing its work in groups, where each group consists of only two people.
5. The students have the opportunity to mempersentasikan results of the discussion with all students so that existing ideas spread.
6. allows teachers to monitor students more in the learning process (Hartina, 2008: 12)

The weakness of the comparative study model SMT type is:

1. according Hartina (2008: 12) is very difficult to implement in schools on average lower ability students with limited time, while the number of groups formed much.
2. According to Lie (2005: 46), the lack of group pairs (groups of 2 students) are:
 1) many groups are reported and need to be monitored,
 2) fewer ideas emerge, and
 3) there is no mediator in case of disputes within the group.
3. According to Ibrahim (Abraham 3menurut (2000: 18), some students will be confused, partial loss of self-confidence, and can interfere with each other between students.


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