- Gardner intelgensi defined as the ability to solve problems and produce products in a diverse setting and in a real situation (1983, 1993). In terms of the above it is clear that intelligence is not only a person's ability to respond to an IQ test in a room closed off from the environment. Intelligence includes the ability to solve real problems in a variety of situations. Pressure on the real issue is very important for Gardner because someone actually highly intelligent if he can solve the problem in real life, not just in theory. The higher intelligence if it can solve real-life problems and situations vary, complex real life situations. So, to understand one's intelligence that stands to be seen what the real issues that face in life, not just a test on the table. This is the difference with the measurements of a person's IQ, as measured by IQ tests on the table.
Criterion A Intelligence
For Gardner, an ability called intelligence when it shows a person's proficiency and skills to solve problems and difficulties found in life. Furthermore, it can also create a new product, and can even create the next problem which enables the development of new capabilities. Thus, there is an element in the ability of knowledge and expertise. Kepampuan it's really having an impact, which can solve the problems encountered in real life. However, it does not stop there, the knowledge may also create further problems by problem being solved, to develop more advanced knowledge and sophisticated. Gardner added that solving the problem occurs in the context of a particular culture. Thus, there may be a way of solving a different problem because of cultural differences.
In general, Gardner gives the terms that can be considered as the ability of intelligence in the intelligence of its dual theory, which is universal. That ability should be true for many people, not just for some people. Thus, the ability to eat and drink a lot are not considered to be intelligence.
Second, it is essentially the ability of biological elements, namely because a person's brain, not something that happens because of exercise or training. That ability has been around since the birth, even in education can dikembanngkan.
Linguistic intelligence.
Gardner describes linguistic intelligence as the ability to use word processing and effectively both orally and in writing poetry as owned by the creator, editor, journalist, playwright, poet, performer, and orator. This ability is related to the use and development of language in general. People who are high linguistic intelligent person would speak fluently, good and complete. He was easy to develop the knowledge and language skills, it is easy to learn several languages. People easily understand the order and meaning of words in language learning. They are easy to explain, teach, tell his thoughts to others. They are fluent in the debate.
Activities or business is perfect for people who have high linguistic intelligence is the author of poetry, novels, stories, news and history. Job as a reporter, journalist, editor, literary critic, literary scholar, suitable also for this intelligence.
People who are not high linguistic intelligence, can continue to learn the language and use the language. However, the results will be substandard.
1. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
According to Gardner, logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to have more to do with the use of numbers and logic effectively, such as belonging to a mathematician, scientist, programmer, and logikus. Included in intelligence is sensitive to the pattern of logic, abstraction, categorization, and calculations. People who have a logical-mathematical intelligence is very easy to make the classification and categorization of the ideas and how they work. In the face of many problems, he will try to group them so it is easy to see where the principal and which do not, which is related to one and another, and which one is the problem off. They are also easily make abstraction of a problem that broad and diverse so it can see the core issues facing the obvious. They love the symbolism, including mathematical symbols. Thought the mathematical-logical intelligent person is inductive and deductive. Roads reasoned thinking and easily develop a pattern of cause and effect. When facing a problem, he will first menganalisisinya systematically, and then take steps to solve it. Usually the person who stands out in this intelligence can be a good organizer.
People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence to perform tasks prominently thinking about abstract systems, such as mathematics and philosophy. Most philosophers and mathematicians are indeed very strong logical-mathematical intelligence. People who are intelligent person can easily learn mathematical-logical arithmetic, calculus and play with numbers. In fact, he is happy to cultivate the symbol figures in math book than a long-term sentences. Thought this guy is a scientific, respectively. Silogismenya strong so easy to understand and easy to learn the analytical issues.
They are also suitable to describe the physical reality as was the case with science. With the power on inductive reasoning, they can easily see and collect physical phenomena, then merangkumkannya in a scientific conclusion. Thus, they can find some law or teoridari physical phenomena under study. That is done by scientists. They can also properly perform everyday tasks associated with negotiating such sale, trade, create strategies to solve problems, plan a project, and so on. Figures prominently in mathematical-logical intelligence as Einstein (physicist), John Dewey (expert level), Bertrand Russell (philosopher), Stephen Hawking (physicist), Habibi (former president of Indonesia expert aircraft).
2. Visual Intelligence Space
According to Gardner, intelligence space (spatial intelligence) or sometimes called space-visual intelligence is the ability to capture the world exactly-visual space, such as belonging to the hunters, architects, navigators, and decorators. This includes the ability to recognize shapes and objects appropriately, make changes to an object in mind and recognizing that change, illustrates a case / matter in mind and turn it in tangible form, as well as uncover and data in chart form, also sensitivity to balance, relationships, color, line, form and space.
Highly intelligent people living both easily imagine the object in three-dimensional space, they are easy to recognize relationships of objects in space appropriately. Even watching from a distance, he can estimate the location of the object. That's a lot owned by the navigator in the middle of a vast ocean.
People who have high visual intelligence-chamber had the right perception of an object with the space around it, it can be looked at from all angles. Thus, it can describe the position of the space with such good architects.
People who are strong in the space-visual intelligence can do the job as well manggambar, painting, sculpture, appreciate the arts, make maps and map reading, finding new roads and the environment, understand the three-dimensional, playing chess or a game that requires the ability to remember the shape and space. Some of the following characters may be included in the group of high-visual space intelligent person, such as Pablo Picassa (painter), Affandi (painter in Yogyakarta), Sidharta (sculptor), and Michelangelo (painter).
3. Kinestik-physical intelligence
Kinestik-physical intelligence, according to Gardner, is the ability to use the body or tubuk motion to express ideas and feeling like there is on the actors, athletes, dancers, sculptors and surgeons.
People who have kinestik-physical intelligence can easily express themselves with their body. What they think and feel easily expressed with gestures, with dance and body expression. They also can easily play expression, drama and role. They are easily and quickly perform gestures in sports with all sorts of variations. A very prominent in them is the coordination and flexibility of the body is so great.
People who are strong in kinestik-physical intelligence is also very good at running the operation when he was a surgeon. Some of the following figures are included in their highly intelligent physical kinestik-high, the Martha Graham (dancer), Charlie Chaplin (an accomplished mime), Dustin Hoffman (actor), Marcel Marceau (mime), Kristi Yamaguchi (ballet dancer in the snow), Martina Navratilova (tennis player).
4. Musical Intelligence
In this life there certain people who really stand out talent and ability in music. We know a lot of the music composers, such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven is truly a genius in music. In Indonesia, we also know a lot of good music composers classical, rock or pop. They are very easy to express themselves and ideas through music and song. Gardner Meurut they have outstanding musical intelligence.
Gardner describes the musical intelligence as the ability to develop, express, and menikamati forms of music and sound. These include sensitivity to rhythm, melody and intonation: the ability to play a musical instrument, singing ability, the ability to create a song, the ability to enjoy songs, music and singing.
People who are strong in musical intelligence normally suited for the task as a composer of music, interpreting music, plays, and musical performances lead. And obviously they will be very happy to be a good listener to various forms of music.
5. Interpersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and be sensitive to the feelings, intentions, motivation, character, temperament others. Sensitivity to facial expressions, voice cues from others is also included in this intelligence. In general, interpersonal intelligence relating to a person's ability to establish relationships and communication with different people. Intelligence is widely held by the communicators, facilitators, and a mass mover.
Students who have a high interpersonal intelligence, easy to get along and be friends. Although as a new person in a class or school, he can quickly get into the group. He is easy to communicate and gather other friends. When released by himself, he will quickly make friends. In the context of learning, he preferred to learn with others, preferring to conduct the study. Student is sometimes easy to empathize with a sick friend or was having problems and sometimes easy to help. In a classroom, when the teacher gives freely jobs or tasks, students have interpersonal intelligence would quickly stand up and look for friends who want to work with.
6. Intrapersonal Intelligence
Personal intelligence is the ability related to self-knowledge and the ability to act adaptively based on self recognition. Included in this intelligence is the ability to self-reflect and balance. This person will have a steeper awareness ideas, and have the ability to take personal decisions. He is aware of the purpose of his life. He can manage the feelings and emotions that looks very calm.
Students who stand out in the intrapersonal intelligence often seem reticent, preferring to meditate in the classroom. If there is a break, if there are other friends to play, he sometimes prefers to reflect or think alone. He prefers to work alone. When the teacher gives duty free, students are sometimes long silence contemplating the task before his own. He was not interested that his friends do the task group. Teachers who do not know this because often scold the students like he did not listen and just daydream. And he actually was thinking deeply.
7. Intelligence Environment
Gardner describes intelligence as the ability to understand the flora and fauna well, can make distinctions other consequences in the natural; ability to understand and enjoy nature, and use their skills productively in hunting, farming, and develop knowledge of nature. In talks with Durie, Gardner explained that intelligence is the human ability to recognize plants, animals and other parts of the natural environment such as a cloud or rocks.
Students who have a high environmental intelligence would be seen in its ability to identify, classify, and categorize plants, animals and natural mini's in school. However, according to Gardner, that ability can still be developed, namely the categorization child develops. For example, with a variety of items given various shapes and colors, children are invited to perform a systematic classification.
Students are highly intelligent environments will be glad to talk outside of school, such as camping together in the mountains, because he was able to enjoy the beauty of nature. Students will also be easy to study the biology and the more smoothly when he also had a mathematical-logical intelligence.
8. Existential Intelligence
Gardner states, existential intelligence. Intelligence is more related to the sensitivity and ability to answer the deepest problems of existence or human existence. People are not content to just accept the situation, existence automatically, but try to realize and find the deepest answers. Questions include: why am I, why do I die, what is the meaning of life is, how do we get to the goal of life. This seems highly developed intelligence on many philosophers, especially philosophers existentialist constantly questioning and trying to answer the question of the existence of human life. Philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Sastre, Neitzsche including existence have high intelligence.
Children stand with existential intelligence will question the existence amid this great universe. Why are we here? What is our role in this big world? Why I was at school, in the middle of my friends, what's this all about? Children stand here often ask questions that are rarely thought of people including teachers themselves. For example, he suddenly asked, "what every man would die? If all going to die, what am I alive? '.
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