Aug 2, 2012

UKG ONLINE - official website of the organization of teacher competency exams online or UKG Online 2012 is where the site is located at this we can get everything online information about the activities of this 2012 ukg

Where the UKG is expected stout educators in Indonesia could improve the quality and the quality of national education as a quote from the site ukg,

Spearheading the implementation of teacher education makes a very important role in the intellectual life of the nation. Demands of the role of the teacher has become larger with the introduction of profesional? by the President on December 4, 2004. So in 2005 come a Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. In this regard, the policy of the Government in the development and teacher professional development has been done through various efforts.

Professionalism of teachers is carried out through self-development conducted in a democratic, equitable, non-discriminatory, and continuing to uphold human rights and professional codes of ethics. Continuous professional development through improving the competence of the teachers who implemented and intended for all the good teachers who are certified or not certified. Accordingly, teacher competency test (UKG) is done for mapping competencies, continuous professional development (PKB) and as an entry point assessment of teacher performance (PKG). Thus UKG is not a recertification or re-test of competence and to break the professional allowance.

Also on the site we can mendaptkan online information about the 2012 UKG More covers

  1. Guidelines for Competency Testing
  2. List of candidates for the UKG
  3. lattice Competency Test
  4. UKG 2012 list of the implementation of this
  5. UKG
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