The essence of Natural Sciences (IPA) is the study of natural phenomena and all things that exist in nature. IPA has some sense of understanding of science itself, the way of thinking IPA, IPA investigation to object to study science. Of some notion that we will discuss about the understanding of science.As for some understanding of science by the experts as follows:
- IPA is a science that was originally acquired and developed based on experimental (inductive) but on the subsequent development of IPA also acquired and developed based on the theory (deductive). (Soekardjo, 1973; 13)
- Science according to the meaning of per-he said that science, knowledge and nature. Science is that scientific knowledge. Knowledge is everything known to man. Of the two terms can be combined, namely science as the study of the causes and consequences of events that exist in nature. (Sukarno, 1973; 1).
- Science is a body of knowledge. IPA is a branch of knowledge that lifts the facts systematically arranged and showing enactment of general laws. Science is knowledge gained by study and practice. IPA can also be interpreted as a branch of study which bersangkut to do with observation and classification of facts, especially with the formulation of common law and by the induction hypothesis. (Subiyanto, 1998: 2).
- Another definition of a complete IPA provided by Collete (1994:30), science should be viewed as a way of thinking in the pursuit of understanding nature, asa way of Investigating claims about phenomenon and as a body of knowledge That has resulted from inquiry. (Natural Science should be viewed in terms of thinking in the search of the secrets of nature and the body of knowledge resulting from the inquiry)
- The term IPA is a translation from English "Natural Science" or the so-called science. Science is written in the Indonesian language of "science" or IPA. According to Trowbridge and Byde (1990) Science or Natural Science is a representation of the dynamic relationship that covers the three main factors, namely the extant body of scientific knowledge, the values of science and the methods and processes of science "which means that science is a product of (body of scientific knowledge ) and processes (methods and processes), and contains the values (values). According to the oxford dictionary of Natural Sciences (IPA) is a branch of science that involves attention and experiments to make the formulation of ideas, information and understanding of the phenomena or symptoms that occur in nature. (Http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sains)
- Natural Sciences is a scientific knowledge, ie knowledge that has undergone the test of truth through scientific methods, with the characteristics: objective, methodical, systematic, universal, and tentative. Natural Science is a science that is the subject of nature and everything in it. Carin and Sund (1993) in the Ministry of Education defines science as "a systematic and structured knowledge on a regular basis, apply the general (universal), and a collection of data and experimental observations".
IPA is an educational science fields of study, in this field of science studies (nature and symptoms). Science education is a combination of theory with the theory of science education. Science education is a science that examines fenomerna education in a broad and integrative perspective. Education is not just a phenomenon inherent in the human symptoms (symptoms that are universal) in a broad perspective, but also at the same time an attempt to establish the human personality (human being) designed consciously and systematically in the process of interaction between educators with learners both inside and outside of school.Of some of the above definition we know that science is the study of the universe and its contents and the events that can be acquired and developed either inductive or deductive. There are two issues related to the IPA and as a product of the process. IPA IPA knowledge as a product that is in the form of factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive. Science as a process that is a scientific work. Either product or process is subject to review Science. By learning science, learning the product and how the IPA can be obtained. In our daily lives much knowledge we can. Knowledge about religion, education, health, economic, political, social, and environment are examples of knowledge possessed by every human being. In the sense that the second IPA can we know that science is the scientific knowledge, the scientific knowledge acquired. This shows that science has two major properties. The main properties include the rational and objective. Rational means sensible, logical, common sense or received while the objective has a meaning in accordance with its object, reality, or observation. Natural knowledge is seen as a way of thinking in the search of the secrets of nature as a way of investigation of natural phenomena and the resulting body of knowledge of the inquiry. In addition to learning about the processes and products of science, learning science we can also know about a good way of thinking.Way of thinking Science include:
believe (beliefs)
We can do research on issues of natural phenomena is motivated by the belief that natural law can be constructed from observations and explained by thinking and reasoning.
curiosity (curiosity)
curiosity is what encourages the belief that nature can be understood and discovered.
imagination (imagination)
we can rely on imagination in solving problems of natural phenomena.
reasoning (reasoning)
Besides the imagination to solve the problem of natural phenomena are also required to use reasoning.
self-correction (self-examination)
Scientific thinking is something higher than just an attempt to understand nature. Scientific thinking is also a means to understand ourselves in seeing how far the experts to (a conclusion on the lam.Science is also mentioned in the definition of the object of investigation and study science. Way of investigation include the observation (observation), experimentation (experimentation), and mathematics (mathematics). Objects studies of Science is a body of knowledge resulting from scientific disciplines that shows the results of creative invention of mankind for centuries dive. Science learning process emphasizes providing direct experiences to develop competencies in order to explore and understand about scientific nature. Directed for inquiry science education and doing so can help learners to gain a deeper understanding of the nature around. Yager, stated that science education is the study of the relationship between science and society. Thus science has a very strategiskarena civilizing role of science among young people so that they feel attracted to science. Systematically, the Natural Sciences (IPA) is associated with looking for a way out of a systematic nature, so that the Science is not only the mastery of knowledge in the form of a collection of facts, concepts, or principles, but also is a process of discovery.Science education is expected to be a vehicle for students to learn about yourself and the environment, as well as prospects for further development in applying it in everyday life. Science education can be included in the classification of science education because science education is vast dimensions and at least include the elements (values) socio-cultural, ethical, moral and religious. Therefore, learning science is not just memahai scientific concepts and applications in society, but also to develop a range of values contained within the dimensions of science education. One of the Education of Science is more than just a collection of so-called facts. IPA is a collection of knowledge and also the process. Learning science at school is expected to give the children experiences that allow them to perform a variety of relevant scientific search.
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