Jan 15, 2012

Understanding Evaluation and Engineering of Learning

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1. Understanding Evaluation of Learning
According to Sudjana (1990:31) evaluation is "the process of granting or determine the value of the specified object based on a certain criteria". Meanwhile, according to Rush (1990:22) that are referred to the evaluation is "a systematic process to determine to what extent instructional goal can be achieved by the students".
From the above description then the evaluation contains two important aspects namely:
a. In the evaluation there is a systematic process to measure whether students can diagnose, select and complete a job.
b. Evaluation is used to measure, assess achievement of goals and the success of the work or effort of teachers.
Based on the understanding on the definition of evaluation and assessment are terms a broader meaning than the measurements. The evaluation includes a description of the behavior (behavior) students qualitatively and quantitatively and to conduct such assessments. While the size is only limited to the aspects of assessment that is fixed and quantitative.

2. Engineering Evaluation of Learning
Evaluation techniques is the way done in evaluating learning outcomes. While the intended learning outcomes of economic evaluation is the means used by teachers in evaluating the results of a study of teaching and learning economics.
According to Bukhari in (Arikunto, 2002:32) "test is a test used to determine the presence or absence of certain lessons to a pupil or group of students".
According Arikunto (2002:31) there are two lat evaluation of the test and non-test techniques. Mechanical tests according Indrakusuma in (Arikunto, 2002:32) is "a tool or a systematic and objective procedures to obtain data or annotations in want someone in a way that may be said to be fast and precise".
In terms of usefulness to measure the students, then divided into three kinds of tests, ie tests formative, and summative tests (Arikunto, 2002:33). A good test should have veliditas, reliability, objectivity, practibility, and economical.
While further evaluation technique is non-test techniques, according to Arikunto (2002:26) "non-test techniques include a graduated scale, questionnaire, a list of matches, interviews, observations, and life history".
From the definition above is the way the test is a comprehensive assessment of an individual or business overall program evaluation or testing is a means of collecting information but when compared with other tools of this test is more formal because it is full of restrictions.


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