In the draft Law on National Education System (RUUSPN) edition most recent to date, October 3, 2002, in Article 36 paragraph (2) mentioned that the minimum qualifications for educators in education level preschool is a graduate of D2, and at the level of primary and secondary education is a graduate of undergraduate education or graduate degree another teaching certificate plus a certificate from an accredited college.
Please note that in 2003, is expected to RUUSPN already enacted. That means that starting in 2003 the provisions regarding the minimum qualifications educator has been in force. If this provision applied to what existence, for educators who do not meet the minimum qualifications are not can no longer continue his career and profession as primary and secondary school teachers.
That's where the reform of basic education will be running. If elementary school teachers and Junior High School held by the hands of professionals, in this case is the teacher who meet minimum qualification standards, would be expected quality Our basic education will increase significantly. Furthermore, if improved quality of basic education, secondary education and education quality A new high can be improved.
National Preparedness
Basically, education reform needs to be done in the administration our national education. Reform of basic education will be the basis than the overall national education reform. The problem now is the extent to which our national readiness to run considering the qualifications of most of the reform of primary and secondary school teachers very low and do not meet the minimum qualifications as will be set in legislation.
Based on the record Balitbang Ministry of Education (2000), now the number of our elementary reached 150,612 schools throughout the country areas, and of the whole that accommodate students as much as 25,614,836 children. Total Our elementary school teachers as much as 1,141,168 persons include the principal, classroom teachers,religious teachers, and PE teachers, both with the status of civil servants and not employees country. When viewed from these teachers have diploma formulation will be obtained as follows: as many as 699,121 people or 61.2percent of qualified junior / senior high / PGSLP and D1, as many as 337,624 people or 29.6percent certified PGSLA and D2, as many as 30,593 people or 2.7 percent baccalaureate diplomas and D3, as many as 73,438 people or 6.4 percent qualified scholars, and as many as 392 or 0.1 per cent graduate diplomas.
From the above data was only 6.5 percent of our elementary school teachers meet the minimum qualifications to teach or educate as determined within RUUSPN. That number could be reduced again considering among undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in elementary education is not a scholar who do not have a notarial certificate to teach.
If teachers who meet the qualification is still very little is certainly very risky to apply the provisions referred to without the right approach because certainly they will fall in the number is very high.
How to junior high? From the same source we now have20 866 schools to accommodate students as much as 7,600,093 whole child.The number of our junior high school teachers as much as 441 174 people include school principals, teachers government, teachers and the non-permanent foundations. When viewed from a diploma teachers have such formulations will be obtained as follows:as many as 162,836 people or 36.9 percent of licensed PGSLP / PGSLA and D2,as many as 94,128 people or 21.3 percent bachelor's degree in D3 and teacher training, as many as 13,609 people or 3.1 percent, and undergraduate degree in D3nonkeguruan young, as many as 157.447 people or 35.7 percent qualified scholars teacher, and as many as 1382 people or 0.3 per cent graduate diplomas.
From the above data was only 38.7 percent of our junior high school teacher meet the minimum educational qualification as specified in RUUSPN;and that figure could be reduced again considering among scholars and post graduate teaching in junior secondary education is not a scholar who has not certified teaching certificate.
If the government will really be running the reform basic education immediately, everything has to be prepared adequate. How to hold shortage of qualified teachers minimum or improve teacher education in order to meet the qualification minimum required is a separate issue that needs to get earnest attention.
Educating teachers and prospective teachers at least to degree level require funds that are not small; this especially concerns the amount a lot. Therefore, education funding should also be prepared from an early age;when we know that our government funds for the last few years. This deficiency compared to the activities to be implemented.As a result of education is very limited funds.
Regional Readiness
Basically, the above provision is very constructive in the context of advancing our national education through basic education. The reason is,the extent of local readiness to implement the provisions of that very reformative these?
In general the area is not yet ready to implement its provisions.For real we can take concrete examples, such as in Yogyakarta,as a city of education that is often used as a barometer of national education.Currently there are 2304 schools in Yogyakarta that overall can accommodate 300,167 students.
The number of elementary school teachers in Yogyakarta reached 19,361 students, while teachers is predicated undergraduate and graduate as many as 1289 people or 6.7percent (national 6.5 percent) of the total. Thus the SD unit was not found significant differences in the level of readiness National and in Yogyakarta.
What about the junior unit? Statistically, this is now in Yogyakarta there are 474 schools in total can accommodate 160 293students. The number of junior high school teacher in Yogyakarta reached 11,961 people, while that teachers are predicated undergraduate and graduate as many as 3483 people or29.1 percent (38.7 percent nationally) of the total. Thus in units of Junior High School, in Yogyakarta not find better preparedness but even worse than the national preparedness. It turns out average quality of secondary teachers in Yogyakarta are even lower than quality of junior secondary school teachers in Indonesia at large when measured from Highest education he had.
These conditions illustrate how the severity of Yogyakarta to runreform of basic education.
Simple logic, if taken as a barometer of Yogyakarta are a national education just is not ready to run let alone education reform other areas.
On the basis of such that we can understand opinions"Against" the substance of Article 36 Paragraph (2), which indirectly RUUSPN mandates to us to implement basic education reforms.
Does this mean that Article 36 Paragraph (2) shall be revoked? Sure not! If that means we never revoked had the ideals of high to fix the national education was dropped this.
In other words the substance of chapter and verse which mandates reform of basic education must be maintained.
The solution is, the provisions concerning minimum qualifications of primary and secondary school teachers must undergraduate education or graduate of certified another education teaching certificate is retained but its implementation will be done gradually.
Concretely: the teacher must meet the requirements in question; for teachers age was above 50 years are given the opportunity for a maximum of 5 s / d 10 year to immediately to degree his self. Thus, 5 to 10 years will come all primary and secondary school teachers in our state will meet minimum qualifications as a professional in the running profession.
Wherever the name of education reform requires a strategy in run; so is the reform of basic education in the country we are just going to be run when RUUSPN already enacted.
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