Oct 14, 2024

Agent Offers Insurance? Here's How to Deal With It

According to Article 1 paragraph 10 of Law No. 2 of 1992, an insurance agent can be defined as a person or legal entity whose activities provide services in marketing insurance for and on behalf of the insurer (insurance company).

Choosing insurance alone can certainly be confusing, that's why insurance companies deploy agents. Agents can also help with the claim process or use of the insurance products they have purchased.

So what should we prepare before we meet an insurance agent? Let's see the review below.

Explore and understand agent responsibilities

Check the track record of the insurance agent who meets you because the relationship between an insurance agent and a customer is truly long-term.

Agents are not only the spearhead of insurance product sales, but will also be the bridge between customers and insurance companies. They are also the ones who will later assist in all claim processes.

With the help of an agent, you can certainly get an insurance product that suits your needs. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask and dig up information about the insurance product.

Explore and understand agent responsibilities

Check the track record of the insurance agent who meets you because the relationship between an insurance agent and a customer is truly long-term.

Agents are not only the spearhead of insurance product sales, but will also be the bridge between customers and insurance companies. They are also the ones who will later assist in all claim processes.

With the help of an agent, you can certainly get an insurance product that suits your needs. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask and dig up information about the insurance product.

Be open about your finances

Don't hesitate to be open with your agent about your current financial situation. Ask for product recommendations that match your financial capabilities and can provide maximum protection.

You should know that there is no standard formula or ideal calculation regarding the amount of premium based on your income. However, to ensure your finances are safe, just allocate a maximum of 15% of your monthly income for insurance premiums.

Don't lie about your health condition to the agent.

In insurance, there is a process called underwriting. Underwriting can be defined as a process to assess and classify the level of risk of the insured and make decisions regarding risk acceptance.

It is imperative to be frank and honest about our current medical condition to the insurance agent. Do not lie because it can complicate your claim process in the future.

Be critical of what they offer

Be more critical when insurance agents offer their products to you. Ask for a complete explanation of the benefits of the coverage in detail, the duration of protection, and so on.

Don't hesitate to ask for a more detailed explanation regarding the product you want to buy, starting from the benefits and so on, to the claims process.

If you buy unit link insurance, you also have the right to ask for an explanation regarding the investment placement in your insurance.

Don't hesitate to refuse

There are many cases in the field that tell how someone was forced to agree to an insurance offer because they "didn't feel good about the agent." Or even worse, "bought because it helped the agent to close."

This is generally caused by a friendly or brotherly relationship between the agent and the customer.

Know that buying insurance must be based on needs. And insurance is an expense that you must pay routinely every year.

Buying the wrong insurance can result in losses in the future.

Feb 12, 2024

How to Create Automatic Articles with Microsoft Edge Browser + Bing AI

How to Create Automatic Articles with Microsoft Edge Browser + Bing AI

Browser ini dilengkapi dengan AI yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membuat artikel blog dengan cepat. Sebenarnya tulisan bisa ditulis dengan beberapa gaya penulisan, dari formal hingga santai.

Pertama, unduh terlebih dahulu Microsoft Edge di komputer Anda. Anda dapat mendownloadnya di 


Instal dan jalankan browser.

Pada logo Bing di pojok kanan atas, klik dan fitur AI akan terbuka.

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Untuk membuat artikel, pilih menu tulis.

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Ketik pembahasan yang Anda inginkan pada kolom "tulis tentang". Misalkan saya ingin artikel tentang game Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Tetapkan gaya dan tujuan penulisan. Jangan lupa juga mengatur panjang artikel yang diinginkan.
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Klik generate draft dan tunggu artikel dibuat secara otomatis. Anda bisa langsung menyalin hasil artikel yang ada atau lebih baik lagi jika Anda membaca dan mengoreksi beberapa bagiannya. Tambahkan apa pun yang kurang atau isi bagian “obrolan ringan” di awal artikel.

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Cukup klik salah satu yang paling sesuai dan Anda butuhkan. Bing Ai akan memprosesnya dengan cepat. Misalnya ketika saya mengklik opsi ini.

Hasil artikel.
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Salin dan tambahkan ke artikel sebelumnya. Dan hingga tahap ini, Anda masih bisa terus menyelesaikan artikel hanya dengan sekali klik. Sangat mudah bukan?

Feb 10, 2024

Establishing Your Inspirational Fitness Blog

The term "fitspiration," although not yet recognized by all major dictionaries, has gained enough usage to warrant attention. It encompasses anything that ignites motivation for embarking on a fitness journey. Venturing into the realm of online blogging with this focus is a commendable initiative. This guide aims to provide a foundational roadmap for kickstarting your journey.

Creating Your Fitspiration Blog

Selecting Your Fitspiration Content Theme

The landscape of fitspiration content is vast, offering options tailored to various interests in physical activity. Whether it's soccer tutorials or bodybuilding insights, your expertise in the chosen domain enhances your credibility and attracts followers.

Earning trust and authority can be expedited by investing in website traffic. Higher search engine rankings lend credence to your advice, establishing you as a reputable source within your niche.

Living the Lifestyle

Authenticity is paramount. To inspire others, you must exemplify the principles you preach. Just as audiences resonate more with Michael Jordan's basketball wisdom over that of an outsider, your active participation in advocated sports or activities validates your message.

Incorporating External Content

Supplementing your original content with contributions from other sources enriches your blog's appeal. Sharing success stories from fellow bloggers or clients, engaging with industry news, and participating in discussions on related platforms foster reader engagement and retention.

Monetizing Your Blog

While initially a labor of love, blogging can evolve into a lucrative venture with increasing traffic. Negotiating partnerships with advertisers becomes viable, offering avenues for promoting relevant products or services to your audience.

Exclusive programs, such as specialized training courses, present additional revenue streams. Providing a trial period allows prospective clients to experience your offerings before committing to paid enrollment.

Merchandising represents another income avenue for established bloggers with a devoted following. Strategic promotion of branded merchandise on your blog, coupled with gauging consumer interest through limited releases, informs future production decisions.

Guidance and Considerations

Entering the realm of fitness blogging entails assuming a public-facing role. Balancing newfound visibility with personal privacy is a consideration, albeit one offset by the opportunity to influence and inspire a broader audience.

Authenticity remains paramount. Admitting mistakes transparently fosters trust and cultivates reader loyalty. Embrace the responsibility of your platform, delivering genuine and well-informed content that resonates with your audience.


Embarking on a journey to inspire others through fitness blogging demands dedication and perseverance. While the initial phase may entail unpaid efforts, passion for your chosen fitness domain sustains momentum through the evolving landscape of digital engagement.