Jun 3, 2016


Ø promoting the importance of character education

Ø explain the sense of character education is like
Ø explain the importance of character education
Ø explain the benefits of character education

Aim :
Ø To socialize the importance of character education
Definition of Character Education
Terms of characters linked and interchangeable with the term ethics, the moral, and or value and deals with moral strength, a positive connotation, is not neutral. Meanwhile, according to the character of Big Indonesian Dictionary (2008) is a psychological traits, morals or manners that distinguish one person from another. Thus the characters are unique values-whether inscribed inside and in behavior. Characters coherently radiating from the result of a thought, though the heart, though the taste, and imagination, as well as sports person or group of people.
Characters also often associated with the term so-called temperament more emphasis on psychosocial definitions associated with education and environmental context. While the character from the standpoint behaviorial somatopsikis more emphasis on elements of a person from birth. Thus we can say that the process of character development in a person is influenced by many factors typical of that of the person concerned who are also called congenital factors (nature) and environment (nurture) where the person concerned to grow and develop. Congenital factors can be said to be beyond the reach of communities and individuals to influence it. While environmental factors are factors that are at the reach of the people and ndividual. So business development or education a person's character can be done by communities or individuals as part of the environment through environmental factors engineering.

Factors Character Education
Environmental factors in the context of the character education has the importance of a role for behavioral changes learners as a result of the very character education was determined by environmental factors. In other words, the formation and engineering environments that include physical and cultural environments including schools, school management, curriculum, educators, and teaching methods. Rekasyasa character formation through environmental factors can be done through the following strategies:
Habituation conducted Consistent

In other words, the development and character formation requires the development of an exemplary transmitted, intervention through a process of learning, training, habituation continuously in the long run is done consistently and reinforcement, and should be coupled with the noble values
Definition According to the Education Act - Act and Experts
Education is not separated from the meaning and definition. In the world of education a lot of terms are used and need to be discussed regarding the definition or understanding. In this educational blog, Mr Faisal for Educations, before going on to discuss the notions of terms in the world of education, it is better if it first discussed the notion of education itself.
Here is some sense of Education under the Act and the experts I quoted from several sources:
Education According to the Education Law
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills needed him, society, nation and country.

Education According to Carter V. Good
Education is the process of skills development in the form of a person's attitudes and behaviors that prevail in society. Social process in which a person is affected by something that guided environment (especially in schools) so yeah can attain social skills and develop his personality.
Education According to Godfrey Thomson
Education is the environmental influences on individuals to make the right changes in the habits of his behavior, his mind and his feelings.
According to the UNESCO Education
UNESCO states that: "education is now engaged is preparinment for a tife
Roomates Society does not yet exist "or that education today is to prepare men for a type of society that are still missing. The concept of the education system may be changed in accordance with the development of society and the transfer of cultural values ​​(transfer of culture value). The concept of education today can not be separated from education should be in accordance with the demands of the educational needs of the past, present, and future.
5. Education According Thedore Brameld
'' Education as power means copetent and strong enough to enable us, the majority of people, to decide what kind of a world ''. (Education as a means has the authority and the force is strong enough for us, for the people to decide what kind of a world we want and what sorts of achieving such a goal).

Education According Thedore Brameld
Robert W. richey mention that; The term "Education" Refers to the broad funcition of preserving and improving the life of the group through bringing new members into its shared concem. Education is Tus a far broader process than that roomates Occurs in schools. It is an essential social activity by the which communities continue to exist. Communities In this function is specialzed and institutionalized in formal education, but there is always the education, out side the school with the which the formal process is related. (The term education contains extensive functionality of the breeder and the improvement of life of a community, especially bringing community members who are new to shared responsibility in the community. So education is a process that is more extensive than the processes that take place in school. Education is an activity social enable communities remain and flourish. in a complex society, the function of education is undergoing specialization and institutionalized by the formal education that always stay in touch with the process of informal education outside of school).
Pilar - Pilar Character Education

Character education is based on six ethical values ​​that everyone can agree on - values ​​that do not contain any political, religious, or cultural bias. Some of the things below which we can explain to help students understand the Six Pillars of Character Education, which is as follows:
1. trustworthiness (Faith)
Honestly, do not cheat, plagiarize or steal, be reliable - do what you say you will do, ask for the courage to do the right thing, build a good reputation, obedient - stand by your family, friends and country.
2. Recpect (Respect)
Be tolerant of differences, use manners, not bad language, consider the feelings of others, do not threaten, hit or hurt anyone, damailah with anger, insults and disagreements.
3. Responsibility (Responsibility)
Always do your best, use self-control, discipline, think before you act - consider the consequences, be responsible for your choice.
4. Fairness (Justice)
Play by the rules, take the necessary and shared, open-minded; listening to others, do not take advantage of others, do not blame others carelessly.
5. Caring (Care)
Be compassionate and show you care, express gratitude, forgive others, helping people in need.
6. Citizenship (Citizenship)
Making the school and community better, cooperate, get involved in community affairs, be a good neighbor, obey the law and order, respect for authority, protect the environment.
The purpose, function and character of Education Media & Values ​​Shaping Character
The purpose, function and Media Education characters

Character education is essentially aimed at shaping the nation's tough, competitive, high morals, tolerant, worked together, patriotic spirit, developing a dynamic, service-oriented science and technology are all animated by faith and piety to God Almighty based on Pancasila.
Character education serves to:
developing the potential of the base in order to be good, good thoughts, and good habits
strengthen and develop the nation's multicultural behavior
increasing competitive civilization in the association world.
Character education is done through a variety of media that include family, educational units, civil society, political society, government, business, and media.

Values ​​Shaping Character
Actual education units so far has been developing and implementing the values ​​forming the character through the operational programs of each educational unit. This is the precondition of character education in the educational unit to the next at this point is reinforced by the results of empirical studies grades 18 Curriculum Center. Value precondition (the existing values) in question include piety, clean, neat, comfortable, and well mannered.
In order to further strengthen the implementation of character education has identified 18 values ​​derived from religion, culture, and national education goals, namely:
    Hard work
    National spirit
    Love our country
    Rewarding Achievement
   Friendly / Communicative
   Love peace
   Like to read
  Environmental care
  Social care
(Puskur. Development and Culture & National Character Education: Guidelines for Schools. 2009: 9-10). Values ​​and descriptions contained in Appendix 1.)
Although there have been 18 values ​​forming the character of the nation, but the education unit can determine development priorities by continuing value preconditions reinforced with some values ​​are prioritized above a value of 18. In the implementation, the number and type of the selected character will certainly be different from one area or school with each other. It depends on the interests and conditions of each educational unit. Among the various values ​​are developed, the implementation can be started from an essential value, simple, and easy to perform in accordance with the conditions of each school / territory, which is clean, neat, comfortable, disciplined, polite and courteous.
Importance of Character Education
Education applied in schools also require to maximize the skills and cognitive abilities. With such an understanding, there are actually other things than children who are not less important that we unknowingly have the best. Provide character education on students. Character education is essential as a counterweight to cognitive skills. Some of reality that we often encounter together, a wealthy businessman just not a philanthropist, a politician did not even care about the starving neighbor, or a teacher it is not concerned about the street children who do not get a chance to learn in school. It is evidence of lack of balance between cognitive education and character education.
There is a proverb that says "science without religion is blind, and religion without science is lame". The same means that the cognitive education without character education is blind. As a result, because the blind can not walk, even with the origin of crashing. Even walking with a stick will still run slowly. Conversely, knowledge without character cognitive knowledge, it will be paralyzed so easily driven, exploited and controlled by someone else. To that end, it is important not to ignore the students' character education.

Character education is education that emphasizes the formation of values ​​karakterpada protégé. I cite four basic traits of character education as formulated by the originators of the German educational character named FW Foerster:
Character education is stressed that any action be guided by the normative values. Protege respect of existing norms and guided by the norms.
Lack of coherence or building confidence and courage, so students will be private firm establishment and not easily swayed and are not afraid of risk every time we face a new situation.
Autonomy, ie the students appreciate and practice the rule from the outside to be for his personal values. By doing so, the students were able to take independent decisions without being influenced by pressure from outside parties.
Constancy and fidelity. Dependability is the durability of the students in realizing what is considered good. And fidelity is basic respect for commitments selected.
Character education is important for education in Indonesia. Character education will be the basic or basic quality in forming the character of the nation, which does not ignore social values ​​such as tolerance, solidarity, mutual cooperation, mutual help and other. Education personal character will give birth to a superior who not only have the cognitive ability but has character were able to realize success. Based on research at Harvard University USA, turns a person's success is not solely determined by knowledge and technical abilities and hard skills, but rather by the ability to manage themselves and others (soft skills).

Many studies have shown that children who have received pre-school education has a higher ability than children who did not go to kindergarten, especially in academic ability, creativity, initiative, motivation, and social skills. Children who are not able to go to kindergarten will be enrolled in primary school generally a very young age, which is 5 years. It would be dangerous, because they are not ready mentally and psychologically, so as to make them feel inadequate, inferior, and can kill their love of learning. Thus a program dealing with this problem are needed to prepare children with a variety of important experience in preschool education. It is very important to mobilize people in poor areas to start sending their children to preschool and develop environmentally friendly with other kindergarten to jointly conduct character education.
Dorothy Law Nolte has stated that children learn from life environment. The details are:
If children live with criticism, he learns cursing
If children live with hostility, he learns to fight
If children live with ridicule, he learns of inferiority
If children live with humiliation, she learned self menyeasali
If children live with tolerance, he learns to refrain
If children live with praise, he learns to appreciate
If children live with the best of treatment, he learns justice
If children live with security, they learn to trust
If children live with approval, he learns please himself
If children live with love and friendship, he learns to find love in life


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