Jul 27, 2012


schoolash.blog1. According to Skinner (1985)Provides a definition of learning is "Learning is a process of progressive adaption behavior". Namely that learning is a process of progressive adaptation behavior.2. According to Mc. Beach (Bugelski Lih 1956)Provide a definition of learning. "Learning is a performance change as a result of practice". This means that learning to bring about change in performance, and changes as a result of the exercise (practice).3. According to Morgan, et al (1984)provide a definition of learning "Learning can be defined as any Relatively permanent change in behavior as a result the which accurs of practice or experience." It is that behavior change as a result of learning for practice (practice) or because of the experience (experience).

Jul 25, 2012

Jul 20, 2012

Understanding of science According by the expert

schoolash.blog - Understanding of science

The essence of Natural Sciences (IPA) is the study of natural phenomena and all things that exist in nature. IPA has some sense of understanding of science itself, the way of thinking IPA, IPA investigation to object to study science. Of some notion that we will discuss about the understanding of science.As for some understanding of science by the experts as follows:

Jul 19, 2012

Classroom action research

schoolash.blog - Classroom action research. According to Joko Suwandi (2011: 5) Class Action Research is a systematic study, reflective of the actions of the teacher (researcher) in teaching and learning activities, to improve learning conditions performed.

Meanwhile, according to Mohammad Asrori (2008: 1) study the class action  that is the kind of research that form reflective study by the perpetrators of the actions taken to improve the rational kemampauan of their actions in carrying out tasks, to deepen understanding of the actions he did it as well improve the conditions in which the practice of learning to do.