Jul 19, 2012

Classroom action research

schoolash.blog - Classroom action research. According to Joko Suwandi (2011: 5) Class Action Research is a systematic study, reflective of the actions of the teacher (researcher) in teaching and learning activities, to improve learning conditions performed.

Meanwhile, according to Mohammad Asrori (2008: 1) study the class action  that is the kind of research that form reflective study by the perpetrators of the actions taken to improve the rational kemampauan of their actions in carrying out tasks, to deepen understanding of the actions he did it as well improve the conditions in which the practice of learning to do.

bibliography: Suwandi. 2011. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Surakarta: Qinant.
Mohammad Asrori. 2008. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung: Wacana Prima.


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