Dec 31, 2011

Learning to Live Together - The process of learning which enable learners appreciate the relationship between people intensively and continuously to avoid conflicts of race / ethnicity, religion, ethnicity, political beliefs, and economic interests. Improved education of humanitarian values, morals, and religion that underlies human relationships.

Learning approach is not purely rote learning but with the approach that allows connecting human values ​​in personality and behavior during the learning process. One strategy that can be applied learning is cooperative, integrated approach .. Learning has a range of not only helping students learn academic content and skills alone, but also train the learners in reaching the goals of social and humanitarian relations. Learning model is characterized by the presence of task structure that is contextual, structural goals, and reward structures (reward).

Learning to be - Learning process that allows the birth of well-educated man with an independent attitude. Independence is the key to the formation of a sense of learning responsibility and confidence to develop independently. Attitude of confidence is born of self-understanding and recognition as appropriate.
Independent learning should be encouraged through the growth of self-motivation. Many learning approaches that can be applied in practice independence of learners, for example; sinektik approach, problems solving, process skills, discovery, inquiry, cooperative, and so on learning approach that prioritizes engagement of learners effectively. Closing learning approach is basically a social process, learners are assisted in performing the role as an observer associated with the problems faced.

Although the teacher can give the situation a problem, but in practice, learners seek, inquire, investigate and try to find yourself the things learned. Learners begin to think in terms of ability and experience of each logically. Strategy of inquiry learning is one alternative approach to learning that can be used in the learning process. Learning strategies emphasize process skills activities are centered on developing creativity of students learning. The application of process skills learning strategies can help teachers to deliver learning materials to create learning conditions that varied in the motivation of learners to learn more deeply, encouraging curiosity and motivate further to think creatively.

Learning to Do - The process of learning with an emphasis so that learners appreciate the process of learning by doing something meaningful''''Active Learning. Learners have the opportunity to learn and practice to be able to master and have the basic competency standards required in him. The learning process is carried out to explore and discover information (information searching and exploring), process and information and make decisions (information processing and decision making skills), as well as creative problem solving (creative problem solving skills). According to Dewey that learning can be done by:

1). Learners learn by thinking creatively,
2). Process skills,
3). Problem solving approach,
4). Inquiry approach,
5). School programs should be integrated with community life, and
6). Guidance as part of teaching.

Some forms of Active Learning: Active learning activities carried out by independent activity, the students read their own material that will be discussed in class. Discussion (discussion) in the class with the assignment of making the article begins, do possing problems, and problem solving, active learning activities in this guide are given early (advance organizer) who referred to the discussion of instructional material, before the independent study carried out, thus enabling active learners both intellectually, motor and emotional. In granting the task, learners are required to formulate a new concept in the synthesis of the material that has been studied.

Learning to Know - In the learning process through the application of this paradigm, learners will be able to understand and appreciate how knowledge can be obtained from a phenomenon found in the environment. Through this educational process started primary school s / d higher education, are expected to born generation who have the belief that man as the caliph of God on earth to manage and utilize nature. To condition an effective learning communities today, needed a clear understanding of "what" you need to know, "how to" get the science, 'why' of science need to know, "what" and "who" will make use of that knowledge . Learning to be directed at the learners know that they have knowledge of flexible, adaptable, value added and ready to wear is not ready to use.

Happy New Year - Happy new year, hopefully 2012 is better than the previous year ..  be true Schoolash!!

Dec 29, 2011

2 digit multiplication trick under 20 - Can you calculate the multiplication below each within 5 seconds without using a calculator?

18 x 12

12 x 17

16 x 18

13 x 17

You do was wonder if all the above calculations can be completed each within 5 seconds.

This is not magic but we can do so by the following process:

An easy way to memorize basic multiplication - Children must have still felt the difficulty of memorizing basic multiplication which totals nearly 100.

There is a simple technique if oblivious to the basic multiplication.

Following methods:

Suppose we want to know what is the value of multiplying 7 x 8

Fill in the circle below the number 7 from the reduction of 10 -7 is 3. Fill in the circle below the number 8 from the reduction of 10-8 which is 2.

7 x 8 multiplication result can be searched in the following ways:
The first digit reductions obtained from 7 - the circle into two namely 7-2
or can be obtained from the first digit reduction in 8 - circle one that is 8-3

The results of both must be the same ie 5

The second digit multiplication value obtained from circle 1 to circle 2 is 3 x 2

So when combined with the first digit to 2 digits will be obtained 56

Dec 22, 2011

The Application of CTL in the learning process - The basic idea of ​​learning the emergence of CTL model view of the nature of learning is the occurrence of behavioral changes, so do not just memorize. Students should be able to construct knowledge in their own minds. The knowledge gained can not be separated into facts or opposition to a separate but reflect the skills that can be applied. Also the children will learn better if the environment can be created naturally. So that learning can be more meaningful, because the child has what should be learned not only knows. Besides the target-oriented learning proven mastery of the material failed in equipping children in solving problems in the long term life, this is due to the relative orientation of mastery of the material only temporarily limited "memory" that is formed temporarily. On the other hand focus on contextual learning puts students in a meaningful context that connects students with prior knowledge of the material being studied. Therefore by this CTL model is expected that students can work actively explore knowledge by experience, not a transfer of knowledge from teacher to student.

Dec 5, 2011

Definition Language According to the Experts - What is mean of language? Did you know? There are some experts who descript definition or understanding language. We consider only the points that exist.

Precisely there are nine experts who express opinions about ten language understanding. But from the other party, Wikipedia, also wrote about the language definition. Well, here is the speech experts on language understanding.