Feb 2, 2016

10 Tips to Maintain Health rainy season

- In the rainy season that has now changed, of course, one's endurance decreases AKN. Lots of people will complain of pain when the rainy season comes, such as colds, coughs, colds, headaches, and abdominal bloating. Do not you ignore it, it is necessary for you to be overcome.
Therefore, to confront the rainy season which now threatens the health, then you should follow the tips on maintaining health in the rainy season below.
10 Tips to Maintain Health in Rainy Season
Tips to Maintain Health in Rainy Season
Illustration Keeping Health in Rainy Season Time
Here are 10 simple tips to keep the body during the rainy season.

1. Immediately bath and shampooing When rain
The first provide tools that can protect you from the rain. If you're walking to use the jacket to avoid colds and use an umbrella to avoid the rain. If you ride a motorcycle you should wear a raincoat and always use a thick jacket. Rain water is not always clean as they may contain particles of pollution. so immediately shower and wash if you've been exposed to rain.

2. Get enough rest and exercise
Drizzle and heavy, morning till night is very disturbing your routine. But no need worry,  you can do a light workout in your home. Such as Push Up, Sit-Up or stretching your muscle.

3. Keeping Hands and Teeth clean
Immediately wash your hands if you've arrived home because the bacteria or germs that your hands soon disappear and make it a habit to wash hands before meals and after entering the toilet. Get used rub teeth before bed.

4. Maintain body fluids
In the rainy season when humidity is increased so if you're sweating your sweat does not evaporate quickly.
So you have to bring a bottle of water each day while doing the activity. Avoid carbonated beverages. And you can try drinking ginger and coffee.

5. Drinking Water
Rainy season or cold usually thirst and most people are lazy drinking water. Habits like this can be dehydrated quickly. In fact, the body that has a sufficient supply of water will increase endurance. So, make sure you continue to consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid every day. Can also be replaced ari warm drinks.

6. Provide Warm Drinks
The cold is experienced can reduce the body's resistance. So immediately make a drink that can warm body. Such as tea, or lemon and honey, or warm ginger, whatever hot drink you like.
Fry foods can also warm the body you like, Coto, soup, meatballs and mie mixed with chili.

7. Keep your intake of healthy foods
Keep control of your diet, try to eat nutritious foods during the rainy season. You should frequently eat foods warm sauce, such as soup broth, chicken soup or vegetables with a sauce warm. Besides nutritious, these foods will keep body temperature warm.

8. Consumption of food in a balanced
Because the digestive process slows down during the winter, eat only when hungry and with a dose as needed. Eat when you are hungry can cause indigestion.
It is also recommended that you often eat vegetables, fruits, and dishes with spice. This helps boost immunity and simultaneously help the digestive process, and prevent infection.
To be more healthy for the body, also select foods that are clean and fresh.

9. Stay away from the source of the disease
The rainy season create stagnant water everywhere, so it is easy to breed mosquitoes, especially dengue fever mosquito. Avoid puddles and destroy mosquito larvae in the environment around the dwelling. To avoid skin disease, keep the clothes to keep them dry and clean all the time.

10. Avoid Begadang
Regular sleep can keep your body's resistance power. Sleep will restore the body and recover stamina. Sleep can also relieve stress. Sleep will improve your immune system. Therefore, make sure you have enough time to rest at night because of sleep at night can not be replaced during the day
Thank you for reading 10 how to avoid the disease during the rainy season. Hopefully the above tips your health to stay awake during the rainy season.


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