Oct 29, 2014


Schoolash - 1 Take Shortcuts In Learning
The main task of the teacher is teaching, in terms of managing the environment to enable the learning activities to learners. Various cases shows that diatara many teachers who feel they have been able to teach well, although it can not provide the reason for the false assumptions underlying these assumptions are often misleading and lowered creativity, so that many teachers who like to take shortcuts in learning, both in the planning, implementation, and evaluation. The teacher was a professional, but there are still many teachers are reluctant to make proper preparations. As a result, the learning in the class potluck and without direction. One of the characteristics of professionalism a teacher is planning learning correctly. With a well planned preparation, the student learning outcomes can be encouraging all components of learning. "Want to succeed in teaching, for the preparation of mature!" Preparation of teaching is like the scenario in the film. There will be no good and bad movies watchable without a good scenario. Similarly, there will be no learning is successful without proper preparation.

In order not to be tempted to take shortcuts in learning, teachers should be looked at learning as a system, that if one of the components is interrupted, it will disrupt the entire system. For example, a teacher must always be made ​​and each will see the preparation of learning activities, and revised in accordance with the needs of the students, and the development of his day. Should always remember to teach without preparation is a shortcut, and dangerous actions, which can be detrimental to the development of learners.

2 Waiting Students Behave Negative
In the classroom, teachers are dealing with a large number of learners who all want to be noticed. Learners will develop optimally through positive teacher attention, negative attention would otherwise inhibit the development of learners. They are happy if they received praise from teachers and feel disappointed if less attention. But unfortunately most teachers trapped with misconceptions about teaching, they assume teaching material is delivered to learners, they also assume teaching is to provide knowledge to the learners. Not a few teachers who often ignore the personality development of students, and forget to give praise to those who do good, and do not make trouble. Teachers need to learn to capture the positive behavior shown by the learners, then immediately reward the behavior with praise and attention, on the other hand, teachers should pay attention to the behaviors of learners were negative, and eliminate these behaviors in order to not happen again. Teachers can cite a variety of negative behaviors of participants, for example through the story and illustrations, and give kudos to them for not doing the negative behavior.

3 Using a Destructive Discipline
Often teachers give assignments to be done outside the classroom learners (PR), but rarely do the teachers who correct the return didikdan participants work with a variety of comments, criticisms and suggestions for the betterment of the students. Often experienced gru learners are often assigned tasks, but never member feedback on tasks done. Such actions could be a learning and discipline enforcement destruktrif, very merugokan development of learners.

4 Ignoring Differences of Students
Each student has a unique distinction, they have strengths, weaknesses, interests, and different attention. Family background, socioeconomic background, and the environment, making learners differ in activity, creativity, intlegensi, and competence.
Teachers should be able to identify the individual differences of students, and establish the general characteristics of the class traits, from individual traits that characterize umumlah teacher should start learning. In this case, the teacher must also understand the characteristics of learners that should be developed and should be redirected back.

5. Feel Most Clever
This error departs from the condition that in general the students in his school relative younger than his teacher, so teachers feel that learners are more ignorant than himself, seen as learners who need to fill a glass of water into it. This feeling is very misleading, because in the current circumstances students can learn through the internet and the mass media, the teacher might not enjoy it. In this case the teacher should be a lifelong learner, constantly adjusting its knowledge with the community developments. If not, then it will miss the train, even the so-called orthodox teachers.
6 Discriminatory
Good and effective learning is capable of providing ease of learning fairly and equitably, so that learners can develop their potential optimally.
Justice in learning Brazilians obligation and the right teacher learners to acquire. In practice, many teachers are not fair, to the detriment perkembangna learners, and this is a teacher who often made mistakes, especially in the assessment. Assessment is an effort to provide an award to students in accordance with the business done during the learning process. Therefore, in giving out the assessment must be conducted in a fair, and truly a reflection of the behavior of the learners.

7 Forcing rights of learners
Force the rights of learners is a mistake that is often made ​​of teachers, as a result of the habit of doing business teacher in learning, so that justifies any means to earn a profit. Teachers may only have a second job, earn extra income, it has become a right, but the act of forcing even require students to purchase a particular book is very fatal and less able digugu and imitated. Offer may be limited, but if forced sorry for parents who can not afford.

Obviously the above errors should be avoided though of course as a man it's hard to avoid one hundred percent of the errors as mentioned above. As a teacher we also do not seek refuge in our human nature to not want to change the behaviors that tend to harm the students. Of course there are many other teachers errors, which could result in the failure of students to learn. The key words: If there is a failure of students in learning, so that's where the teacher needs to do introspection: it is true that he did? Then followed: what can he do to improve the situation? So, the teacher should always belajar.Ya, learning from books, learning from friends, learn from students, and learn from itself.
25 Mistakes a teacher in learning. Consciously or unconsciously, it is required to be avoided by the teachers in order not to "hurt" the process of learning and certainly do not give bad influence on students. Here are the 25 things:
Sitting on the table during the learning process.
While smoking while teaching.
Eating while teaching.

Playing Hp or online at teaching.
Asleep. It is rare, but it turns out it is never experienced as well. Usually if the teacher just told students to read the textbook during the lesson progress (monotone).
Consider yourself the smartest. Many say if the Doctor or professor because it was so clever that it makes a lot of students do not understand what is presented to them. A teacher can not be like that, teachers have an obligation to not only yourself but also memintarkan their students, so that humility and able to appreciate the intelligence and potential of his students is the key to a great teacher.
Monotony in presenting the material. The indication if there are students who fall asleep during the lesson hours.
Undisciplined. On time may be especially hard for Indonesian people, yes this is getting worse if not disciplined attitude is exemplified by the teacher.

Ineffective communication.
Not neatly dressed. Now the teacher is no longer synonymous with battered bikes, wrinkled clothes. Shown neat especially for teachers who have good economic times is mandatory.
Not doing the evaluation. The unique thing never happened, when a teacher turns giving out grades to students who had died, indicating if the teacher is not to evaluate the current allocation of marks, but the results of abracadabra ... ..
Letting cheating.

Leaked exam answers. No. 13 and 14 will certainly brighten corrupt generation in this country. If we the teachers agreed that the primary purpose of education is not a value (especially prioritizing vocational competence). Then it should be the development of creativity and potential of children who become the main agenda, not letting shortcuts that will ruin their future preserved.
  Change the value of the acquisition. Do not reduce and exaggerate, just objectively according to the capability of the child.

Provide a matter which is not taught. Do not make the stress and depression of children by providing exam that they never touch.
Instill hostility and hatred. The most wonderful thing when becoming a teacher, is when we are able to instill mutual respect, appreciate and love with each younger generation. Charity Jariyah cui ... ..

Teach pornography.
Sexual harassment. This is mah God forbid, our teachers were trusted. Do not reward him by doing things such as numbers 18 and 19.
Do not care about the presence of students.
Discriminatory. All students that are the same rank in our eyes.
Do not pay attention to individual differences. The potential, advantages and disadvantages. Should be monitored with jelly.

Clueless. Currently, students with easy to become smarter than the teacher because of advances in technology. So of course the teachers should not be missed, especially technology can facilitate teachers in preparing materials, ease of delivery and of course with maximum results. Prepare each generation according to his time.
Mismatch. This is where the importance of kurikullum.
Forget reading and learning. Of all the mistakes above, this last error is the most severe. If a teacher just lazy learning, how could he have created the best generation ?. Is not the change should start from ourselves?
Here are five mistakes when teaching the teacher can lead to the failure of students to achieve the learning objectives optimally.

Mistake # 1. Egocentric thinking. This is the most fundamental mistakes that really neglected by teachers. This error will also have an impact on the incidence of other mistakes. Have you ever heard a complaint like this, "I have earnestly teach this class but the result is very disappointing!" Or this complaint, "This child you know, has been described many times still do not understand!" Two examples of the complaint shows that teachers egocentric thinking is concerned, only according to himself. Yes, according to the teacher, he has taught in earnest or has been explained many times. He did not think about the problems faced by students when participating in learning so that it did not work. It could be because the teacher can not communicate coherently with the language that is easily understood? Or, perhaps students' learning styles of visual and kinesthetic but not fulfilled by the teacher, so the teacher's teaching style is not acceptable for students?

Mistake # 2. Not Sensitive To Change Class Atmosphere. In the learning process, obligatory control a classroom teacher. Completely! It is important that the learning process goes smoothly. We know that the class consists of a variety of characters. Therefore, efforts should be made to the various characters that can be orchestrated towards the realization symphony enjoyable learning (learning quantum try to check again). Symphony orchestrated towards learning enjoyable, it means that all the potential class (students) should be empowered to help each other to realize success for each individual. Thus the average achievement is high grade. Examples insensitivity example let teachers when teaching the class clown distracts the student who is eager to follow the teacher's explanation that the concentration of the class being split. Or let students who are not orderly distract other students who are learning. This seemingly small issue, but if not done can result in failure of the entire class. This is related to classroom management.

Mistake # 3. Ineffective communication. Examples of ineffective communication (teacher wants to remind the students were given homework), "Children, do not forget to watch the PR you know. You do everything. If you do not do your homework, then tomorrow will not get the value of bu teacher. "Why not say it like this," Children, remember, do your homework. Everything! Mrs. value tomorrow. "Is not that a second language more efficient, and therefore more effective. So, when we intend to ask for something, just say exactly what we mean. If a child told to shut up, so to say, "Children, be quiet!" If the children were told to pay attention to the teacher's explanation, just say yes, "Children, look at this!" And such.

Mistake # 4. Teaching Without Preparation. Talking about the preparation of teaching, I am reminded of a friend who said things like, "Want to succeed in teaching, for the preparation of mature!" Preparation of teaching is like the scenario in the film. There will be no good and bad movies watchable without a good scenario. Similarly, there will be no learning is successful without proper preparation. Most teachers (reportedly) reluctant to make proper preparations. As a result, the learning in the class seemed without direction. In fact, it is a professional teacher. One of the characteristics of professionalism a teacher is planning learning correctly. I believe you will fix your mistakes in teaching (the other day that did not make proper preparations), so that the learning outcomes of students really encouraging all the components (associated with your learning).

Mistake # 5. Not Conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation. Evaluation of learning must be done thoroughly. If you ever make a thesis on quantitative research, you must remember that the instrument you use must be tested for validity and reliability. Evaluation instrument was actually learning to be tested for validity and reliability. Evaluation instrument to be valid and reliable. But for this discussion, we will not be as detailed when writing his thesis. The meaning here is that the thorough preparation of the evaluation of learning about a minimum should include forms such as: multiple choice, stuffing, short answer. Not only multiple choice, or just stuffing. The material covers the whole matter being taught (at least a basic competence).
Once again, the above opinion is only based on personal experience of the author. Of course there are many other teachers errors, which could result in the failure of students to learn. You can also inventory the mistakes you make a mistake when teaching or colleagues.
The key words: If there is a failure of students in learning, so that's where the teacher needs to do introspection: it is true that he did? Then followed: what can he do to improve the situation? Thus, the teacher must always learn.
Yes, learning from books, learning from friends, learn from the students, and learn from itself. May be useful.


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