Jun 29, 2011

The Importance of Learning Implementation Plan

Education is something that absolutely exists and must be met in order to improve the quality of life of the community in which education must based on all components of community empowerment through participation in realizing the educational goals are clearly defined in Act No. 20 of 2003, that the national education aims to development of potential human learners in order to become a faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. 

According to Law No. 20 of 2003 Article 36 Paragraph 1 and 2 Implementation of these educational purposes, one of which is determined through curriculum development based national education standards and in accordance with the principle of diversification of educational units, the potential of the region, and learners.

1 Curriculum is implemented to direct all forms of educational activities to achieve the goals of education is one important component in formal education. The curriculum is a guideline that will be used by teachers in making learning in their schools in making the learning plan, the implementation of learning and assessment system that will be used.

Understanding the basic essence Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) that SBC was developed based on the principle of diversification in accordance with educational unit, the potential area, and learners. In practice, this curriculum created by teachers in each educational unit and is more adapted to the conditions of each relevant area and allow to enlarge the portion of local content.

One component that refers to these principles is the planning of the learning process that has been stipulated in Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 Article 20 that "planning the learning process includes syllabus and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), which contains at least the purpose of learning, teaching materials, methods teaching, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes. "

Preparing lesson plans is an extremely important and must be met by the teacher before conducting the Teaching and Learning (PBM). Because the RPP  been clarified regarding instructional goals, materials planning, planning tools, methods, and procedures of learning to achieve that goal. However, in practice the field are still many teachers who do not perform procedure make RPP before carrying out the process of learning.

Jun 20, 2011

Primary Education, Quality or Quantity?

One of the world consensus in the field of education is to guarantee 100 percent that children can solve basic education no later than 2015 (MDG 2015). Related to basic education, the movement of Education For All (EFA) also aims to improve justice to education for girls, disadvantaged groups, and improving the quality of educational outcomes.

Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), a research institute under the World Bank made the theme of quality results This basic education as a major issue, schooled in the report From Access to Learning Outcomes: An Unfinished Agenda, 2006. This emphasis on the quality of basic education emerged as a major issue in the referral development of basic education to the next world. Therefore, the acquisition of skills and knowledge base as reading and numeracy standards are valuable assets to liberate the individual from bondage circle endless poverty.

The policy dilemma

In the Indonesian context, the 1997 economic crisis down the achievements of primary education enrollment rates especially in rural poor families, which in 1988 reached 99.6 percent (CBS, 1988). The Government then intervene in the supply by building new school buildings are located near settlements population, two-shift schools, and contract teachers program.

The demand side interventions through cost reduction program schools, scholarships, and assistance (BOS). In Budget 2007, the total education budget for all programs to reach USD 90.01 trillion (about 11.8 percent), still far from the mandate of the 1945 Constitution Amendment, which is 20 percent of the state budget.
Although the JPS-Education program plays a major role to restore the level of daftaran SD, the crisis that has not been fully recovered leaving a number of primary school dropout rates. Recent research states, although not one of the main reasons bersekolahnya-age children basic education is the distance of schools with homes, houses poverty factor ladder remains a major contributor (Elfindri and Davy, 2006).
Do not forget, the EFA program also mandates improved quality of educational output (learning outcomes), especially for children of poor families. The low quality of education at the root problem of low quality of educational outcomes. Echoes of monitoring the quality of basic education are rarely exposed to the 

Indonesian Government.

Targeted subsidy program is a positive contribution to the improvement of the quality of learning outcomes of children from groups of the poor and reduce the gap of poor children with the children groups of residents.
In addition, improvement of school management-introduction program to improve teacher quality and monitoring and evaluation results -learning to school leaders is also a requirement of success of the program. Closer scrutiny the progress of student learning outcomes per group socioeconomic characteristics also will be important points of the program.

Complementary relation

Actually, the quantity-quality relation, which has been accepted as a relation of substitution, can be converted into a relation complementary. Improving the quality of the program remains sustainable and time-consuming require students to attend school. Monitoring program of learning will not be able to walk, let alone achieve result, if the student suddenly drop-outs. The main requirement of the quality of students will increase if students attend school regularly.

Furthermore, the law of demand will be effective by itself. When standards of quality have been achieved, by itself quantity is expected to be maintained. This is the explanatory factor, why private schools do not have a favorite lonely enthusiasts. Even in some cases, wealthy parents now have to queue to register children entering SD, 2-3 years into the future. This on the contrary, many parents are less fortunate, the school their child or not, after that their fate has not changed.


Jun 13, 2011

The First President of Indonesia

First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, who used to be called Bung Karno, born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 and died in Jakarta, 21 June 1970. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. During his life, he has three wives and has eight children. Fatmawati wife have children from Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati and thunder. From Hartini wife has Taufan and Bayu, while the wife Ratna Sari Dewi, the woman whose original name was derived Japanese Naoko Nemoto Kartika have children ..
Sukarno's childhood just a few years living with his parents in Blitar. During the elementary to graduate, he lives in Surabaya, homestay in the home Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto, veteran politician Sarekat founder of Islam. Then go to school in HBS (Hoogere Burger School). While studying at HBS, Sukarno was galvanizing spirit of nationalism. After he graduated from HBS in 1920, moved to Bandung and continue to THS (Technische Hoogeschool or Technical High School who is now the ITB). He won the title "Ir" on May 25, 1926.

Then, he formulated and established the doctrine Marhaenisme PNI (Nationalist Party of Indonesia) on July 4, 1927, with the aim of an independent Indonesia. As a result, the Netherlands, put into prison Sukamiskin, Bandung on December 29, 1929. Eight months later a new trial. In his defense titled Indonesia Menggugat, he showed apostasy Netherlands, a nation that claims it is more advanced.
Defense that made the Dutch more and more angry. So in July 1930, the PNI was dissolved. After his release in 1931, Sukarno joined Partindo and at the same time lead. As a result, he was re-arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Ende, Flores, 1933. Four years later moved to Bengkulu.
After going through a long struggle, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945. In the trial BPUPKI June 1, 1945, Ir.Soekarno the idea of ​​the basic state called Pancasila. August 17, 1945, Ir Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. In the trial PPKI, August 18, 1945 Ir.Soekarno elected by acclamation as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Previously, he was also able to formulate that later became the basis of Pancasila (ideology) of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. He seeks to unite the archipelago. Even Sukarno tried to gather the nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America with the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955, which later evolved into the Non-Aligned Movement.
Rebellion G-30-S/PKI bear great political crisis that led to rejection of the Assembly of accountability. Instead the Assembly appoint Suharto as Acting President. His health continued to deteriorate, which on Sunday, June 21, 1970 he died at the army hospital. He was buried at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java, near the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Government call him as "Hero of the Proclamation".

Jun 11, 2011

Indonesian Teachers Out in 2015

The last days are being intensively broadcast two public service ads on the station, television station, both TVRI and private television stations. Ads that one contains a message about foster children and others describe the lack of teachers in our beloved country. Although only lasted a few seconds, the second ad is quite inviting attention, especially the latter ad.
Lack of teachers. It's a portrait of the reality of our education (one side) that is very sad. Why not, education is the main capital creation of the progress of civilization of a nation. On the other hand, teachers as professionals in this field would number more rare.
Then, what happens if in future years is not easy to find the figure of the teacher? Perhaps you all already know the answer. Certainly peradapan culture in the Republic of Indonesia is getting worse than current conditions. Why was there such a condition?
FLASHBACK BACK State of education as described in the previous section So also it would not happen. There must be the trigger. Cause kekeurangan teacher who would I lay out here is not from in-depth research results, but just a quick observation and conjecture. The cause of decline in the number of human resources (HR), in this case teachers, of late is the closing of teacher education institutions.
In the first half of the 1990s all the School of Teacher Education (SPG) and Master of Religious Education (PGA) is closed. Closure of the education institutions reasoned that primary education is no longer worthy to be taught by teachers who graduate SPG that in fact only tiered secondary education. Instead Primary School Teacher Education opened (PGSD). In addition, prior to the closing teacher education institutions was preceded by the establishment of a policy which stipulates that graduates of SPG does not automatically or directly appointed as civil servants, kecualai some outstanding students in every generation. As a result, many graduates of SPG are turning to other professions, such as factory workers or farm. Facts like this is very unfortunate because students SPG is student choice. Junior high school graduates who can be accepted in the SPG are students who have a minimum NEM 42.00 and go through the stages exam-phase filter. It shows that the can d iterima in the SPG are human beings and intelligent choices. So, they actually are potential workers.
Next, towards the end of 2000, all Teachers' Training College in Indonesia turned into a university, although there are still some STKIP and Guidance and Counseling in the universities. Changes in this status must be followed also change the vision and mission. Originally status of Teacher Training Institutions of Higher Education (LPTKs) as a printer professional personnel changes to university educators who scored a pure science scholars. Perhaps this policy aims to achieve the target of reliable scholars in the field of science and technology in order to welcome the birth of the State of Indonesia as a country-based advanced technology. Obsession is very good. However, the Indonesian nation talkative disease is difficult once lost. That is, at the time kibijakan Teachers' Training College into university status change is approved, should have some IKIP in Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi, which has maintained quality. Thus, the number of teachers will still be fulfilled because until whenever the education sector in sebu ah nation will not be closed. That means that until whenever teachers are still needed.
WHAT SOLUTIONS Lack of teachers, as illustrated in the public service ads on television, just happened on basic education. If observed, this phenomenon is quite realistic menggingat closure of SPG and the PGA has been almost ten years ago. Graduates PGSD was not all be accepted as a public servant. Meanwhile, the phenomenon of secondary education teacher shortage is still felt. This is reasonable because the closure IKIP new two-IKIP last three years. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE YEAR 2020 FUTURE?
To overcome the problem of shortage of teachers in basic education, perhaps my thoughts will be a model for discussion. Once the policy is to stop the appointment of primary school teachers (SD), many graduates of the PGA SPG or changed their profession to another field. It should not happen considering they are the personnel selection. Plus PGSD student admission system. From the beginning of the opening, PGSD admit students of high school graduates. Material about the test was adjusted to the standard of teaching in public high school. Of course this is a constraint for graduates of SPG or PGA to compete with high school graduates because of the material taught in public high school and vocational courses are certainly different. Finally, the SPG lulusasan rarely accepted.
At the time of recruitment should be the preferred PGSD first is a graduate of SPG or the PGA. Only later after all the graduates or the PGA this SPG is up, recruitment is open to high school graduates.
Finally, to solve shortage of primary school teachers, why not try to call back the SPG and PGA graduate who has not been accepted as a teacher overseas? Give them scholarships to continue their education in PGSD or STKIP. After graduating directly appointed teachers country.


Education in Indonesia is divided into two formal and non formal education. School is a vehicle for formal education.
For this reason the government implement the program 9-year compulsory education.
For the smooth operation of teaching and learning in schools, now part Elementary teachers already established field of study that is Guru Bahasa Indonesian, English, MTK, Science, Social Studies, Religion, Sports, SBK and so on.
However, there are lessons that have not been taught in primary schools namely BK (Guidance and Counselling).
I think this is also an important lesson taught in elementary school as
taught in junior high & high school. Today the school child delinquency occurs not only in junior high or high school, school child delinquency in young elementary school children.
They began with no orderly dressed in school, likes to play truant, came too late. At their school hours outside of school, for example Market; PS or elsewhere.
This negatively affects the child. There is only tedium in Schools, because they consider only school playground is not place in search of knowledge.
In fact, I often encounter a fight broke out. This resulted in feet, temples eyes, or their heads berdarah.Guru already reprimanded but this incident happen again.I hope someday there BK in Elementary Teacher.
With the hope of more competent to handle such children. Can guide them to be good as expected.
Pengajarpun learning process to be smooth and this for the sake of advancement of education in Indonesia....

Jun 3, 2011


Some experts PTK, respectively - each of which provides for the definition put forward by Stephen Kemmis, as quoted by D.Hopkins, in his book entitled A Teacher's Guide the Classroom Action Research, Bristol, PA, Open University Press, 1993, page 44. says that action research is:

.... A form of self-reflective inquiri undertaken by participants in a social(Including educational) situation in order improv the rationality and justice of(A) Their own social or educational practices. (B) Their understanding of thesepractices, and © the situations in the which practices are carried out.
Understanding the above, can be observed that the TOD is a form of clothes that are reflective of the perpetrators actions, which aimed to deepen understanding of dilakuakan actions during the learning process, and to fix weaknesses - weaknesses that still occur in the process pembelajran and to realize the goals - goalsin the process of learning. If the process pembelajran diakuakan inquiri and continuous improvement - continuous, fully believed that the professional competence of teachers will continue to increase in line with expectations by manyMc Ciff (1992) in his book entitled Action Research: Principles and Practice looked PTK as a form of reflection that teachers do the research results can be used as a tool for school development, development of teaching skills and so forth.Studies on the social situation with a view to improving the quality of action in it. The whole process --- the study, diagnosis of planning implementation, monitoring, and influence --- to create the necessary relationship between self-evaluation and professional perkembvangan (Elliot, 1982: 1)

Reflections on action research is a small-scale intervention in the real world of action and careful examination of the impact of these interventions(Cohen and Manion, 1980: 174).

Action research is a form of collective self-made by the participants - the participants in social situations to improve reasoning and justice educational practices and their social practices, as well as their understanding of the practice - practice it and to the situation where do the practice - the practice (Kemmis and Tagart, 1988: 5-6)

Based on the description above, we can interpret a wider understanding of TOD, TOD can briefly be defined as a form of research that is reflective to perform certain actions in order to improve or enhance the practice - practice in the classroom pembelajran, ssehingga these conditions, significantly hampering the achievement of pembelajran destination. Therefore, teachers can conduct action research class for students' interest towards learning can be enhanced.