Nov 7, 2011

The methods In educational psychology - In educational psychology the methods used there are 9 kinds:

1. Method of introspection.
2. Method of Observation.
3. Longitudinal method.
4. Method of Experiment.
5. Methods Cross-Sectional.
6. Test Methods.
7. Attitude scale.
8. Clinical Methods.

As for a little explanation as follows:

1. Method of introspection.

Introspection method: This method is used to investigate the psychological processes that take place on yourself. In this method contains several disadvantages, among others:

a. Introspection methods contain suggestions, because this effect is often something that actually happens remains unclear has been interpreted as something that has been clearly visible.

b. Introspection methods depending on the memory while the memory is not 100% correct, the result is often a lot of forgotten and in order to provide a complete picture of the situation equip people with the work of fantasy.

c. In humans there is a tendency to protect his ego, then often times forget to convey the results of his appreciation of the results of which would interfere with his ego.

Excess introspection methods are:
a. Many psychic phenomenon that can only be investigated by the method of introspection.
b. If the man was told to hold introspection by just giving a report on the outline of pristiwa experienced in general is still an objective report.
c. Method of introspection is actually a basis of the method ekstropeksi, when people describe the results of his observations about other people actually describe what he has experienced himself was due to perform observations.

2. Method of Observation.

Observation method: This method is used to observe objects that become the focus of observation. And this method can be used to observe human behavior.

There are two kinds of observation methods:
1. Observation is free (unstructured), conducted in an open, flexible, observers directly observe objects that become the focus of observation, such as human behavior. Observer approach, noting the observation data obtained is called the primary data.

2. Structured observation: observations made based on the guidelines, the goal to limit the subject matter was observed

Step-by-step method for observing behavior observation are:
1. aspects of behavior to be observed is determined or selected.
2. Aspects of behavior that have been selected to be formulated clearly.
3. observer (observer) must conduct training to prepare the indicators to be used.
4. A system to measure observations should be developed as a tool of recording observations.

3. Longitudinal method.

Longitudinal Method: This method takes a long time to achieve results, such as research on child development from birth to death or to follow one's progress during part of life, ie during childhood through adolescence. With this method usually studied several aspects of behavior on stu or two the same person within a few years. With so will obtain a thorough picture of the developmental aspects. Advantages Longitudinal method is a process of development can be followed closely, while the disadvantages are very dependent on the researchers who studied in the time period long enough. This often creates difficulties for example if the person who researched the sudden move or die.

4. Method of Experiment.

Experimental method: the method is carried out systematically and logically to manipulate something stimuli, tritmen and observe the effect or change caused by the deliberate and systematic manipulation (Sanapiah Faisal, 1997). In experimental then all variables, except one, are made constant, then by manipulating a single variable (the independent variable) it can be known influence on its effect (dependent variable). In the experimental no such thing as the experimental group known independent variable, for example, two groups of children are similar in terms of age, intelligence, socioeconomic status, education, each subject to different treatment, for example in making a task (test) then the group one was told that the test is just an exercise, while another group was told that anyone who can reach a value of 8 or more will receive a prize. This experiment tested the hypothesis that the group given the hope of the prize will do the test properly.

5. Methods Cross-Sectional.

Cross-sectional method: This method of investigating people or groups of people of different ages differently. By taking groups of people and then successive age levels can be found a picture of the development process of one or several aspects of one's personality. The weakness of this method the possibility of a picture that will be obtained somewhat less reliable or less clear because it does not recognize the same person as in the longitudinal method. While the advantages of this method can obtain a better understanding of the factors that typical or less typical for certain groups, because this method can be taken with groups that can be compared, for example, examined the status of people from different communities.

6. Test Methods.

Test Method: The instrument conceived and designed to describe and quantify certain aspects of human behavior. Psychological tests can be used to compare the behavior of two or more people at a certain time, or one person or more at another time. Psychological tests produce an objective and standardized description of the behavior being measured.

7. Attitude scale.

Attitude Scale: attitude scale was developed to measure attitudes, and there are two things that must be considered, namely: (a) that the attitude that always has an object, the object of an attitude, that is something that the target behavior, and (b) attitude theory was described in a continuum from negative, through neutral to positive area (Sumadi Suryabrata, 2005).

8. Clinical Methods.

Clinical methods: in special clinics to the situation of people trying to observe the special conditions the ability of children for medical or pedagogical purposes. In addition to systematic observation, people are trying to also ask all sorts of things in children, and classify the results in the category / classification-specific classification. Jean Piaget, use this method to obtain data on thinking and language skills of children.

Abin Syamsudin Makmun, 2003, Psikologi Pendidikan, Bandung, remaja Rosdakarya
Sumadi Suryabrata, 2004, Psikologi Pendidikan, Jakarta, Raja Grafindo Persada
Sumadi Suryabrata, 2004, Psikologi Umum, Jakarta, Raja Grafinda Persada.

Source: Psikologi Pendidikan, Lecturer: Sri Hartini.@UMSurakarta


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