Nov 6, 2015


Schoolash - In Wikipedia, comes from the Greek Mathematics (Mathematics) That means the study of the amount, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians looking for patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth through rigid deduction from axioms and definitions bersesuaian.Sedangkan Benjamin Peirce called the mathematics is "the science that describes the important conclusions". On the other hand, Albert Einstein stated that "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

One again, the definition of mathematics is very difficult to accurately defined. In general, ordinary people are only familiar with arithmetic or arithmetic can be defined as the science of the various numbers that can be directly obtained from the integers 0, 1, -1, 2 - 2, ..., etc., through some basic operations : plus, minus, multiply and share.

Saai until there is no unanimous agreement among mathematicians about the so-called mathematics. Targeted review of mathematics is not concrete, but abstract. By knowing the target study of mathematics, we can know the nature of mathematics that once we know also how to think mathematics.

Thus, to answer the question "Do the math?" Can not easily be answered with one or two sentences granted. Therefore we must be careful.

Various opinions emerged about the mathematical sense, based on the etymology (Elea Tinggih, 1972: 5). Math words mean "Science obtained by reasoning". While James and James (1976) in the dictionary math say that mathematics is the science of logic on the form, composition, scale, and concepts related to each other in large numbers are divided into three areas, namely algebra, analysis, and geometry. For example, the notion that mathematics has arisen because of the thoughts of men associated with ideas, processes, and reasoning which is divided into four broad insight that is arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and analysis to number theory and arithmetic include satistika.

Johnson and Rising (1972) in his book says that mathematics is thinking patterns, patterns of organizing, proof logic, mathematics is a language that uses the terms defined carefully, clear, and accurate, representation with symbols and dense, more a symbolic language concerning the idea rather than the sounds. While Reys, et al (1984) in his book says that mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships, a road or a pattern of thought, an art, a language and a tool. Then Kline (1973) in his book says, too, that mathematics is not knowledge alone that can be perfect for himself, but the math was mainly to help people understand and overcome the problems of social, economic and natural.

Meanwhile, according to me, Math is an exact science. certainly the result, surely penyelesaiaannya way, and certainly not like the dizzy if Mathematics.

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