May 1, 2016


We certainly have been familiar with the billionaire dropped out above, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg is the third successful entrepreneurs alike drop out (DO) from their campus, but that does not mean we have to do to be successful as they are, we need to learn is how they can be successful without a degree / diploma and what they do after they dO campus of each.

First of all school matters. Not because after you read this article you would not even school, because here we will discuss some things wrong in school and to learn from those who can be successful even if they have not passed or the mediocre school.

3 There are many things wrong in the school and we need to understand better. Of these 3 points does not represent everything but let us examine one by one.

1. Success in school / college has nothing to do with success in life

School degree major of us (just assuming) schools with the aim of "money", which means the school / college and then graduate degree and find a better job with better pay expensive. School / college just to make sure you get a "degree" and "jobs" better. That is if your school / college with the best does not guarantee you anything to get a job / better wages than they were mediocre, with the course / GPA higher easier for you to find a job or qualify for selection job interview, but the role of the school only that in your career, the rest is up to you how you are doing a job and increase your value as an employee. Essentially school only guarantee you get the "job" better (job security), I say "chance" because of the fact that not all scholars can get a job that matches their degrees.

We imagine the following illustration:

In Indonesia, the number of scholars from year to year continues to increase, while we know entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still very low. With jobs scarce and the growth of graduate each year, you can bet there will be many unemployed S1 and more high unemployment later. The company can seek an undergraduate S1 easily while they have a bachelor's choice potluck. Later S1 may be considered as a high school diploma, what S1 if everyone has a degree S1 ..?

Competition is also going to make it harder to succeed because we are competing with Basic "everyone school / college" and there are already millions of people who have the same knowledge, so think how to improve the skill / value or be unique from others ,

2. The school is a killer of creativity

drop-out be successful in life you need passion / desire to work in, not something imposed simply because "everyone does it". Of course you remember when we learn school dozen subjects ultimately reduced to a few seconds we study the subject. The question is whether passion or talent you have there? What if your talent is to play basketball, to be an athlete or gaming, or make funny videos on youtube, or make comments about the video game on youtube? That's all there is no school, and in the end people age without having a passion for anything. The majority of us are still underestimating the arts / creative and think it would be difficult to make money from these fields. In fact, not everyone can be successful in the field of art, and vice versa, not everyone can be successful in the field of academic / school. Are you an academic or an artist? Or something else ..?

3. School (majority) did not practice thinking skills but the ability to memorize school- some school (maybe I'm wrong) is not to train the ability to think but our ability to memorize. Example:

Biology and memorize the Latin name of human organs
Physical Memory = natural law theory and formulas scientist
Math memorize formulas and calculation algorithms other dimensions
Geography = Memorizing facts about the earth
History ... (it's obvious)

Perhaps this example is not entirely true, there are some cases that require the ability to think as a matter of solving the case of mathematics and physics (logic), but most of what they have learned in school / college is memorization. Few subjects are truly taught us to think about. Some areas of the "I think" right train logic thinking / reasoning as follows:

Coding / Programming
Technical / Engineering
Communication / Language
Art / Design

Now let's learn why they were mediocre schools even do to be successful in life. Of course not everyone is mediocre / DO's success, as well as those who are successful in school are not all successful / unsuccessful in life, we need to learn is how can these people be successful despite not having a diploma or performance of any school.

To be successful as Bill Gates / Mark Zuckerberg we need to study the process (not DO it), there is a similar pattern of those who have a degree of success without performance or any school that they build assets as early as possible and create something of such assets ,

building construction

hobby Aset is not the money / property / diploma / work but skill, passion, and self-investing more. Bill Gates / Mark Zuckerberg is not the best programmer in the world, they drop out of Harvard is not because they are stupid, but they find that they have mastered the field but not taught in school. They consider the ability / skill as their own investments. Whatever they have learned useful for their lives and whatever they do should give better results. Formal education may enhance our security, but sooner or later you will feel it's all irrelevant, skill / ability is still the best investment. In life people will not ask how the / your GPA but what you can give to them. Value what you can give to someone else?

creating a

freelance-table Bill Gates built Microsoft, Steve Jobs built Apple, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, as well as operators drop out more. By creating something they also increase the assets they have built since the beginning. All assets that they have had a snowball effect (snowball effect), like a snowball rolling the longer the greater, most people make the mistake of changing the time they have with money (employees), which means they are stuck forever in the minds of spending time to get the money, but if you invest your time for skill / ability / passion and create something / value of there then what you create can make money even while you sleep.

For example, if one wants to pay Mark Zuckerberg / Bill Gates billions of dollars as an employee or freelance programmers ..?

They start as early as possible, build assets while they are young and create something out of the assets they have built. They know that the start is the only way that they know it, they do not need permission from anyone to create something, and by creating a snowball (snowball) they own all the assets that they have to be the greater as time goes by.

That is why they are mediocre school drop out can even extraordinarily successful in his life, we need to learn is to build assets as early as possible (skill / passion) and create something (build snowball) that can be useful to others. Of course, all is not as simple as the words in this article, you need time, capital, connection, hard work, and so on.

Success is not about the value / GPA but we have character, experience, ability and diligence that we have. We can learn a lot from those who succeed despite not performing for schools, we have to learn is the process, what makes them the way they are, what they do and how they cope with life outside the school. Some very good example for us to learn, such as:

Bill Gates - Microsoft founder
Steve Jobs - Apple founder
Mark Zuckerberg - founder of Facebook
Richard Branson - Virgin Group founder
David Karp - founder of Tumblr
Michael Dell - Dell founder
Localized versions:

Bob: Bob - a successful businessman who is known for style shorts
Arief Widhiyasa - CEO Agate
Do not drop out is inspired by, but the process in which they live beyond the life of the school. Life is the best education, not about school or grades or dropped out, but hard work, passion, commitment, sacrifice, unyielding to keep learning and trying.


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