Sep 7, 2015

Understanding Character Education According to Expert

Schoolash - Strengthening moral education (moral education) or educational character (character education) is very relevant in the present context to address the moral crisis that is sweeping our country. The crisis among others by increasing promiscuity, rampant levels of violence children and adolescents, crimes against friends, theft teens, the habit of cheating, drug abuse, pornography, and the destruction of property of others has become a social problem that until now has not been able to completely resolved, therefore, the importance of character education.
According Lickona, related to the concept of moral character (moral knonwing), moral attitudes (moral felling), and moral behavior (moral behavior). Based on these three components can dinyatakanbahwa character baikdidukung by the knowledge of the good, the desire to do good, and do deeds of kindness. Outlined below is a chart of the third kterkaitan this framework.

Understanding Character Education According to Expert
1. Character Education According Lickona
Simply put, the character education can be defined as any attempt to do to influence the character of the students. But to know the proper sense, it can be stated here the definition of character education delivered by Thomas Lickona. Lickona stated that the definition of character education is a deliberate attempt to help someone so that he can understand, pay attention, and do the ethical values ​​that core.
2. Character Education According to Suyanto
Suyanto (2009) defines the character as a way of thinking and behaving that is characteristic of each individual to live and work together, both within the family, community, nation, and state.
3. Character Education According Kertajaya
Character is the hallmark of which is owned by an object or individual. Characteristic is genuine and rooted in personality or individual objects, as well as an "engine" that drives how an act, behave, say, and respond to something (Kertajaya, 2010).
4. Character Education According to the Dictionary of Psychology
According to the dictionary of psychology, personality character is to be reviewed from the standpoint of ethical or moral, for example a person's honesty, and is usually associated with the properties are relatively fixed (Dali Gulo, 1982: p.29).
The values ​​in character education
There are 18 items the values ​​of character education, namely, Religious, Honest, Tolerance, Discipline, Work Hard, Creative, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Excitement Nationality, Love homeland, Appreciating the achievements, Friendly / communicative, Love Peace, Joy of reading , Care for the environment, social Caring, Responsibility.
More details on the values ​​of character education can be seen in the chart below
the values ​​of character education

18 Value Character Education
Character education has become a concern to many countries in order to prepare the next generation of quality, not just for the benefit of individual citizens, but also for the citizens as a whole. Character education can be defined as the deliberate us of all dimensions of school life to foster optimal character development (we deliberate effort of the entire dimension of the life of the school / madrasah to help the formation of character optimally.
Character education requires special methods appropriate for the purpose of education can be achieved. Among the appropriate learning method is an exemplary method, the method of habituation, and methods of praise and punishment.


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