Sep 23, 2014

Tips and tricks to make effective teaching and learning activities and fun

Schoolash - Before explaining tips and tricks to make effective teaching and learning activities and fun will first need to understand what the learning style. In the study, each person has their own style.
One's learning style is the way he understands and process new information, acquire new learning experience, and / or solve a problem.

A teacher who is effective in empowering students in learning is a motivator, expert, and at the same coach, and knows when he should let students learn on their own.
So , that was a fun learning activities and more interesting, the teacher must first please the material, has a high spirit or enthusiasm in learning, and spend enough time to prepare lessons. Much more to math that has been already considered difficult and a scourge; we need to design effective learning strategies and systematic mathematics.
A good teacher not only teach, but to inspire students.
Not only ask what and how, but also explore why and what if.
Not only gives the subject matter, but also foster interest and ability to learn. He also teaches students to appreciate the knowledge, and how to play a role in human development and understanding of life in general.
Problem-solving strategies,,,
Definition of problem
There are five learning objectives of mathematics in high school-MA (MONE, 2006) to be achieved-MA high school students during the learning process of mathematics, namely:
Understanding a mathematical concept, explain the relationship between concepts and apply the concepts or algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and accurately in solving problems;
Using the pattern and nature of reasoning, mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence, or explain mathematical ideas and statements;
Solve problems that include the ability to understand the problem, devised a mathematical model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution;
Communicate about ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem;
Having respect for the usefulness of mathematics in life, namely to have curiosity, attention, and interest in studying math, and tenacious attitude and confidence in solving problems.
Before discussing the problem and solving the problem, consider the following example:
Numbers 15 can be expressed as the sum of two or more consecutive natural numbers in three ways, namely:
15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
15 = 4 + 5 + 6
15 = 7 + 8
Express the number 210 as the sum of two or more consecutive natural numbers. Write with as many ways.
Is that question is a problem for you?
Then consider again the following example:
987654321 x 9 =...
In the first instance there are challenges inherent in it and not known procedures to solve routine. As for the second example problems which I am sure is not a 'problem' for the reader.
In general, a problem or a question categorized the question is determined by the presence or absence of the usual challenges and solving routine procedures are not yet known.
Problem Solving Strategies
Ministerial Regulation No . 22 (MONE, 2006) on the Content Standards pelajaranmatematika stated that the purpose of high school so that students can:
"Solving problems that include the ability to understand the problem, devised a mathematical model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution. "
From the above formulation, there are at least four steps in the problem-solving process that must be controlled so that the students must be trained to them, namely:
Understanding the problem,
Devised a mathematical model,
Completing the model, and
Interpret the obtained solution.
How Teachers Motivate Students
Motivating students is a tough task for teachers. Once students reach a certain age, they no longer feel the need to go to school, let alone enjoy it. Without motivation, the learning process will run flat and monotonous. So , how do you attempt to motivate current students?
Techniques to motivate students
Class where you are should be a pleasant experience for the students. Student motivation would appear impossible if your class does not have a pleasant atmosphere.
What is your attitude? Would you like to teach? Glad that you are there? Glad to see the students? Interested on the subject or class? You should be warm, exciting, and enthusiastic about your work. You have to show up every day with good preparation.
What class you feel silence? like a prison? empty space? Class you need the color and excitement. Fit a motivational writings. Display of students' work. You need to provoke the students as soon as they set foot in your class.
Make the classroom a fun place to learn is actually almost like a battle.
Students are motivated by rewards. Students need a gift for learning. Instead of prize money or candy of course. It may be effective to make the students' task is completed quickly, but no real motivation to learn. Remember, that is expected to motivate students to learn, not just completing tugas. Siswa need a reason to do the task. Give them one. Every teacher should come up with this on their own. Do not have granted relief because if you can not think of a reason to teach something, you can not motivate students.
Here are some hints how it affects them. Does it make them for better human being? Learners? Relating it to their lives. Relating it to their future. Relating it to their ego. Relate to current events. You can not just say, "because. "
Compliments are also effective and needs to be done. It is a gift that you can give many times and it's free. Write notes on their paper. Say it to them when you walk around the room. Call people by name and encourage them. Put students' work on the walls. Put a piece of work of ALL students in a variety of occasions. Call home and praised the students on their parents.
If your students have a reason to learn the material and get praise from you, it really became the motivation they need. It sounds simple, but difficult. Choose your opening to the lesson in a way that makes students want to know more. It may sound silly, but the story can be a very effective way. After the students you want to know more, you have to make them addictive. They are motivated! You want your students go home every day and say, "Guess what I learned? "
To motivate students, the first is motivate you and your class. Next will come a reason to learn. You will then be able to create curiosity about the material to be delivered.


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