May 2, 2013

Cooperative Learning Model of Think-Pair-Share - This method was developed by Frank Lyman and his colleagues from the University of Maryland and was able to change the assumption that the method of recitation and discussion should be held in a classroom setting as a whole group. Methods Think-Pair-Share gives to the students to think and respond and help each other with each other. For example, a teacher has just completed a short presentation or the students have finished reading a task. Furthermore, the teacher asked the students to realize the seriousness of what has been described by the teacher or what has been read. The teacher chosen the Think-Pair-Share instead of questioning methods for the overall group (whole-group question and answer). Lyman and his friends use the following steps:

Langah 1 - (Thinking): Teachers ask questions or issues related to the lesson and the students were given one minute to think about the answers themselves or issue.

Step 2 -  (Pairing): The teacher asks the students to pair up and discuss what has been thought. Interaction during this period can result if a question with an answer has been filed or submission ideas together if a particular problem has been identified. Usually teachers do not allow more than 4 or 5 minutes for the pair.

Step 3 - (Sharing): At the end, the teacher asks the pairs to share or collaborate with a whole class about what they are talking about. On the move will be effective if the teacher went around the classroom from one pair to another pair, so that a quarter or half of these couples have the opportunity to report.

This model is designed to incorporate motivational incentive of reward groups with individualized learning programs that match the level of which is owned by the student.

Students are grouped into four or five people are heterogeneous. Each student work program units according to their respective capabilities. That is, a team can only work on unit 2 of the A, B working unit 5. The students follow a series of activities organized, ranging from learning to read sheet, doing worksheets, check if he has mastered the skills and take the test.

Team members work in pairs, exchanging answer sheets and check the work of his friend. If the students reach or exceed a score of 80, he followed the final test. Team members are responsible to ensure that his friend had been prepared following the final test. Both individual responsibility and group awards in the Think Pair Share this.

Each week teachers add up the number of units that have been completed by all members of the team and provide certificates or other awards to teams that meet criteria based on the number of final tests successfully surpassed.