Oct 16, 2012

Managing Classroom

schoolash.blog - The class is for children learning garden, where they grow and the development of physical, intellectual and emotional. In the classroom, teaching all aspects of education meeting and proceed. Teachers with all his ability, the child with all the background and individual characteristics; curriculum with all its components, and materials and resources with all the principal language learning and blended to meet and interact in the classroom.

One characteristic of a professional teacher is a teacher who is able to manage the class well. Child's behavior and actions are always changing. Today's children can learn well and quiet, but not necessarily tomorrow. Yesterday healthy rivalry within the group, whereas in the future may be less healthy competition. Classes are always dynamic in the form of behaviors, actions, attitudes, mental, and emotional. Therefore it is fitting for the class managed by a professional.

Oct 8, 2012

Education Game - Magnet

schoolash.blog - This game is great for children of primary school age, because according to the level of difficulty and subject matter in school

Controlling Delinquency Child Family Roles

schoolash.blog - Sometimes encounter a naughty child, judging from their course. Brat dare to say such as parents, friends, and like to hurt others. Delinquency is an act of violation of the norms of the rule of law and well as social norms. They tend to do should not be children in general. Family plays an important role in shaping the character of children.

The status and role of the family in children's lives is primary and fundamental. Family into a formation of each of its members, including children who are still under the guidance of their parents responsibility. Child development generally includes physical, social emotional and intellectual. The soul can be said to be a healthy child if the child's developmental aspects of walking in harmony and harmony.

The development of one's soul there are periods or stages, that if at any period can not be passed in harmony then there will be a showing symptoms such as delay, tension, difficulty adjustment disturbed personality. The worst effects of the development process that fails is the inability to duty as social beings to conduct a satisfactory human relations both for themselves and for the people in his neighborhood.

The family as the smallest entities in the community but has kept his primary position and a major role in influencing a child's life, especially in the early stages and the critical stages. Families who fail to give love and attention to foster hatred, insecurity and violence. When one of the family in education, would plunge the child down the wrong path. One of the wrong education is spoiling the child.

Factors that cause parents spoil their children
1. Parents first have a bitter life experience and poor that he does not want her children from a difficult situation.
2. Parents have a less precise concept of happiness. For example, please follow the child with all the requests.
3. The child's parents previously spoiled by her parents as well so the experience was passed down to his son now.
4. Busy parents do not have time for children. The old man felt guilty, so obey all demand the attention of the child as a substitute parent.
5. Parents who distinguish their children. Children who feel treated unfairly be disappointed. Children will protest in various forms of delinquency.

Family be the first educational needs of a child. How families or parents in educating children, will determine. Because education in principle is to lay the foundation and direction for a child. Families have a role in the personal growth and development of a child.

Good education given family will develop personal maturity of the child. The child becomes an independent, full responsibility for the tasks and duties, respect for others and live according to the dignity of human beings and its image. Instead of education can result in the development of children's personalities are not good.

Oct 7, 2012

Now, Teachers Are Not Respected His Student?

schoolash.blog - As I sat on the bench Elementary School to high school I was guided and taught by teachers. Sometimes if I'm wrong and can not follow the lessons certainly slapped and hit with a wooden ruler until the bat broke. My friends are also experiencing such things.

With the teachers treat me like that then I am very afraid for not learning and I try to learn setekun possible so I was not hit by my teacher.

Nevertheless, our relationship with the teachers remain in harmony and we are very shy and respectful to our teachers. At the time of the year 1985-1998 has not been known as child protection laws.

At the present moment the more advanced age, attitudes and actions of students also have very modern. Now this is not a shy student adalagi / respectful to his teacher even at the time of the teaching and learning of students did not hesitate to fight the teacher.

If the teacher reprimanded and beat the students are quick to report to parents and some even reported to the police.

And strangely quickly parents respond to the child's report and report to the principal. Events like this make teachers so confused and scared to educate students well. Peacock afraid reported to the police.

At this time the teacher is no longer educate their students properly but simply deliver the material. Therefore, students are no longer respect teachers because most parents now do not accept that his son was beaten at school.

And we know for sure that teachers provide the best education though sometimes beaten. With the child protection legislation certainly influence for education for children in the legislation should not be beaten and abused.

Sometimes when we observe the students now do not hesitate to smoke in front of the teacher himself even some teachers who took their partner pass without rebuke.

This is certainly very commendable added more child protection laws that we do not know their limits.

Hopefully the government make laws by looking at the various aspects that do not harm people.

Oct 3, 2012

Tips To Keep Away Children from Mobile Porn Content

defeat pornografischoolash.blog -  Tips for parents and teachers to student cell phones and children do not enter the porn content. Mobile or Handphone (HP) spreading is not known ages. Elementary school children had seen it's been a lot that have or carry a cell phone. What are the reasons parents buy their children cell phones? Of course a variety of reasons, usually to give the phone to a child with a parent or otherwise be able to communicate, track locations or tell what is being done.

Of course, almost all of the technology in addition to providing convenience can also plunge on things that are less good. Moreover, it's been a lot of that type of phone or Mobile phone or smartphone comes with multimedia. On the other hand, with the multimedia features that could be a den of moral damage to the child.

Circulation phones or HP which is easy and cheap it is also followed by the circulation of pornographic or sexual content. Porn content can be 'poisoned' by anyone, not least the children or school students. Before our baby minds become polluted with words or pictures are not obscene, it helps parents and teachers to help their fence. As quoted from a Healthy Internet, here's tips for parents and teachers to student cell phones and children not to enter any pornographic content.

1. Give meaning of the Child or Student
Begin to give sense to the child / children about the phenomenon of the spread of pornographic content via mobile phones. But that does not mean you necessarily rebuke them. The bottom line is a good start communication intertwine and comfortable with the child / student.

2. Immediately Remove Content Porn
If the child / children you are found to have pornographic content or exchanged via phone, immediately tell them to stop it. Explain to them that have sexual content or otherwise transmit via the phone is against the law and the risk of something bad.

3. Never Buying a Sophisticated Mobile
Try not to buy or sophisticated multimedia phones in the Son. The more advanced the phone, the easier it is for content that should not be entered and stored neatly on the mobile phone.

4. Following development of technology
You also have to keep abreast of technological developments. Social sites and software / social networking applications what is being loved and installed / installed on the mobile student / child and learned threats.

5. Perform Razia In Periodic
Perform periodic raids mobile content. Razia eligible and can be done by the school from class to
class, or by banning cell phones into the classroom and collect / leave him in a certain space to be easily checked at random. Razia also eligible and can be done by parents when at home, especially if it is your phone and toll costs are borne by the child's parents.

Major role of parents or teachers to protect children or students from pornographic or sexual content that can poison a child's mind. Responsiveness and provide a good example or role model in the use of mobile phones could prevent a child or children to access pornographic content.