Jan 26, 2012

Types of Teachers

schoolash.blog - Based on Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards Article 28 that: Educators must have academic qualifications and competence as an agent of learning, physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize the goal of national education. Academic qualification is the minimum education level to be met by an educator as evidenced by a diploma and / or certificates of expertise that are relevant statutory provisions in force. Competence as an agent of learning in elementary and secondary education include: pedagogical competence, personal competence, professional competence, and social competence.

Competence of teachers according to Surya in Kunandar (2007:55) involve:
1. Intellectual competence, ie knowledge of the various devices that exist within the individual is required to support various aspects of performance as a teacher.
2. Physical competence is the physical capabilities required to support the implementation of tasks as a teacher in various situations.
3. Personal competence, namely the Traffic-related behaviors of individuals in realizing itself as an independent person to perform the transformation of self, identity, and self-understanding.
4. Social competence, namely the specific behaviors that are the basis of self-understanding as an integral part of the social environment and the achievement of effective social interaction.
5. Spiritual competence, namely the understanding, appreciation, and experience of religious rules.

Jan 23, 2012

Being a Good Teacher

schoolash.blog - Can you imagine, what happens if it does not create a pleasant atmosphere in the learning process? Yes, students will get bored and the purpose of cultivation of science by teachers will not be achieved. How to create a pleasant learning atmosphere? Some of these tips may be a guide.

One of the things that must be put forward is to include the participation of students in the classroom. In addition to establish communication with students, teachers can also find out what the needs for students. If this situation does not wake up, it could be the student will feel awkward talking to the teacher and the communication will not run either. As a result, teachers will also find it difficult to know what the student wishes.

Jan 15, 2012

Understanding Evaluation and Engineering of Learning

schoolash.blog -
1. Understanding Evaluation of Learning
According to Sudjana (1990:31) evaluation is "the process of granting or determine the value of the specified object based on a certain criteria". Meanwhile, according to Rush (1990:22) that are referred to the evaluation is "a systematic process to determine to what extent instructional goal can be achieved by the students".
From the above description then the evaluation contains two important aspects namely:
a. In the evaluation there is a systematic process to measure whether students can diagnose, select and complete a job.
b. Evaluation is used to measure, assess achievement of goals and the success of the work or effort of teachers.
Based on the understanding on the definition of evaluation and assessment are terms a broader meaning than the measurements. The evaluation includes a description of the behavior (behavior) students qualitatively and quantitatively and to conduct such assessments. While the size is only limited to the aspects of assessment that is fixed and quantitative.

Jan 7, 2012

Punakawan Have a Secret Message

Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong ..

Some people must have heard stranger names. But certainly many who knew him .. is not it?

The four are members of Punakawan. Punakawan themselves are the servants of the Five Pandavas. I have a little information about the profiles of each character ..

Jan 6, 2012

Rama and Sinta love story (RAMAYANA)

schoolash.blog - Narrated in a land called nan Mantili there was a beautiful princess named Dewi Shinta. She was a daughter of the king of King Janaka Mantili. One day the King held a contest to get the Prince for his beloved daughter is Shinta, and finally lift the bow contest was won by the god Wisnu Crown Royal to Ayodhya, Rama, Raden Wijaya. But in this story there is also a king Alengkadiraja King Ravana, who also was in love, but not to the Dewi Shinta but he wanted to marry Dewi Sri. From vision Ravana, Shinta Dewi Sri regarded as the incarnation that had been dreamed. In a journey of Rama and Shinta and Lesmana accompanied by her sister, was going through the jungle called Dandaka forest, the giant King Ravana three of them lurking, especially Shinta. Ravana wants to kidnap Shinta brought to his palace and be his wife, with tricks Ravana a servant named Marica transform into a golden deer. With the purpose of fishing Rama went hunting deer 'imitation', for want Dewi Shinta. And it is true after seeing the beauty of the deer, Shinta asks Rama to catch it. Because the demand for Rama's beloved wife then tried to chase the deer alone is Shinta and waiting Lesmana

Jan 3, 2012

Foundations of Education in Indonesia

schooalsh.blog - Education is a conscious effort is planned, programmed and continuous help learners develop the ability to optimally, both aspects of cognitive, affective aspect and psychomotor aspects. Cognitive aspects related to intellectual learning outcomes which consists of six aspects, namely knowledge or memory, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Affective aspects regarding the nature of which consists of five aspects namely: acceptance, answers or reactions, assessment, organization, and internalization. Psychomotor aspects of learning outcomes related to skills and ability to act consisting of six aspects, namely: reflex, basic movement skills, perceptual ability, harmony or precision, complex movement skills, and expressive and interpretive movement.