Oct 12, 2015

Four Categories of Innovative Learning Model

Schoolash - A. Definition of Learning Model

In particular, the model is defined as a conceptual kernagka used as a guideline in conducting an activity. In another sense the model is also defined as goods or mock objects of the real thing, like a globe of the earth which is moddel where we are and live today.

In the next uraiaan, the term "model" is used to indicate the first sense as a conceptual framework. On the basis of these ideas, called "Learning Model" is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning goals. The learning model serves as a guide for instructional designers and teachers in planning and implementing learning activities (Udin: 2001). Thus, the learning activity is an activity that is arranged systematically.
As affirmed by Joyce and Weil (1986) that the essence of teaching or teaching adalam help students get ideas, skills, values, ways perfikir, a means to express themselves, and ways of learning how to learn. In fact, the final outcome or long-term outcomes of the learning process is - "the student's Increased capabilities to learn more easly and Effectively in the future", the students remind her ability to be able to learn more easily and more effectively in the future (Joyce and Weil , 1986: 1). Therefore, the learning process does not only have a descriptive meaning and currency of, but also meaningful prospective and future-oriented.

B. Categories of Innovative Learning Model

From the results of the study on various learning models that have been developed and tested by experts in education, Joyce and Weil (1986) classify learning models into four categories, which are:
Group information processing model.
Personal model group.
Social model group.
The group model of the system behavior.
Berkut is an explanation of the four innovative learning model.

B.1. Group Information Processing Model (The Information Processing Model)

The learning model of information processing is basically focused on the ways in strengthening internal impulses (coming from within) to understand the world by digging and coordinated the data sensed the problem and seek solutions. Some models are in this group gives the students a number of concepts, some are focused on concept formation and testing of hypotheses, and others focus on the development of creative abilities. Some models are deliberately designed to strengthen the ability of the public intellectual.

Figure 1.2. Learning Model of Information Processing
In general, much of this information processing model that can be applied to the learning objectives of various ages. Some models are included in this group are:
Pencapaiaan concept.
Thinking educative.
Exercise research.
Guiding early.
Development of Intellect, and
Scientific research.

B.2. Models Group Personal (Personal Models)

It is recognized that human life ultimately lies in the consciousness of the individual. Humans developed a unique personality and see the world from a unique viewpoint anyway which is the result of experience and position. The general meaning is the result of individual agreements that have to live, work, and forming the family is together.
Personal model moved from the view of personhood or selfhood of the individual. Ditujuakn educational process in order to understand ourselves better, mimikul responsibility for education, and more creatively to achieve a better quality of life.
Group personal model focuses on the individual and seeks views on promoting productive independence so that people become more aware and responsible for its purpose. Learning models in this group are:
Teaching without direction.
Exercise consciousness.
Class meeting.

B.3. Models Group Social (Social Model)

It must be recognized that cooperation is one of the phenomena of life of the community. With cooperation, humans can generate and collect energy or energy brsama then desebut with synergy (Joyce and Weil: 1986).

Figure 1.3 Social Learning Model (Behavior Discussion)

Mdoel social group designed to take advantage of the phenomenon of cooperation. This model has been widely studied in order to test validity. David and Robert Johnson and colleagues (1974, 1981), examines the benefits of pengenggunaan corperative rewards or prizes are awarded on a collaboration, and cooperation task structure or the structure of cooperative task in a group activity. The result is quite convincing, it turns learning together can help a wide range of learning processes. However, this does not mean the social model can be used as such. The thing to note is synergy to provide benefits. Therefore, the social model is an important part of the overall learning process ririskiky. This social model group include:
Investigation group.
Play a role.
Jurisprudential research.
Laboratory exercises, and
Social science research.

B.4. Group System Model Behavior (Behavioral Systems Models)

The basis of this group is theoretical theories of social learning or social learning theories. This model is also known as a model of behavior modification or behavioral modification, behavioral therapy or behavioral therapy, and cybernetics or the cybernetics. Rationales of this model is a group communication system that corrects itself or self-correcting communication systems that modify the behavior in terms of how a task is run with the best.
Based on the concept of how a person responds to the task and feedback (feedback), psychologists, and Skinner (1953) have studied how to organize the structure of the task and feedback in order to provide convenience to the loss of a sense of fear in a person. How to learn to read and count, develop athletic and social skills, relieve anxiety and how to relax, and learn the skills of intellectual, social, and physical need for a pilot or astronaut. Therefore, the model focuses on the behavior or over-obsessed behavior, and methods as well as the tasks assigned in order to communicate success. Some models are included in this group are:

Complete learning.
Learning self-control.
Exercise the development of skills and concepts, as well as
Intensive training.

Herman, H. 2006. Models of Innovative Learning, London, Citra Paya.
Joyce, B. and Weil, M, 1986. Models of Teaching, New Jersey, Prentie-Hall, Inc.
Skinner, D, F. 1953. Sciense and Human Behavior. New York: Mc. Milan Inc.


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